Test your typing speed (WPM) and accuracy using over 35 paragraphs chosen at random. Choose from 1, 3, or 5 minute timed typing tests. You can use a single space or double spacing after periods. When you are finished, any uncorrected errors will turn red and the correct spelling will be...
WPM Typing Test improve your typing speed The fun and free online speed typing test, aka keyboarding test. Learn how to type faster by typing faster. Call it whatever you want a game, a data entry test, touch typing. Whatever you call it it's a way to practice your typing. No ...
Typing Test, Free Typing Test, Check Typing Speed in WPM and accuracy, Fastest 10 Finger Test, Govt Exam Typing Test Preparation, Typing Test Software for SSC, IFSC, RPSC, Cleark, DEO, CPCT
WPM Test More Views 0 +47 Typing TestWPM TestWords Per Minute Typing TestWPM CalculatorHow Many Words Per Minute Can I TypeFree Wpm TestTyping TestSpeed Typing TestReading Speed TestSpeed Reading Practice App WPM Test Linda WPM (word per minute) is the best free typing test that evaluates ...
New Test Print Results Note: To accurately and precisely evaluate your word per minute typing speed and accuracy, please make sure to click the stop button immediately after you are done with the above text block. Your Result NET / GROSS WPM Not Started ENTRY ERRORS Waiting... ACCURACY Wait...
The most customizable typing test website with a minimal design and a ton of features. Test yourself in various modes, track your progress and improve your speed.
Elevate your typing speed with Typing Test WPM. Measure your skills, enhance your WPM, and challenge yourself with our engaging typing tests. Start your journey today! ⌨️🚀
Test your typing speed. The game contains two modes: paragraph and word. In Paragraph mode, you'll type a passage from a book or a quote from a famous person. In "Word" mode, you will type random words that appear on the screen. In the Statistics menu you can track your typing spee...
Test your typing speed. The game contains two modes: paragraph and word. In Paragraph mode, you'll type a passage from a book or a quote from a famous person. In "Word" mode, you will type random words that appear on the screen. In the Statistics menu you can track your typing spee...
Typing Test and exercises to improve your WPM (word per minute) speed. Check your typing speed against our Community and learn from our Forum.