Online 1 minute free typing test with words in English. Learn typing and type faster with our typing tests and free fun online typing games for kids and all kinds of typists.
Typing Test Lesson 28 (Top Row Revise 1) make easy to type. Quickly learn to type with the correct finger position & become a touch typing master.
Typing Test Lesson 40 (Bottom Row All Left Hand 2) make easy to type. Quickly learn to type with the correct finger position & become a touch typing master.
The WPM test is user-friendly, with an attractive display clock that shows how much time you have left. Furthermore, at the end of the test, you will see a result box that shows your performance rate. In this way, you can see your words per minute typing speed and mistakes you made...
Try this words per minute test typing for kids. Check your speed and accuracy after you type 3 sentences in one of our popular wpm tests. Being able to type is becoming more and more important to students. Speed typing and accuracy can be built when immediate feedback is given. Our free...
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Typing Test - 10fastfingers offers a free online Typing Speed Test Game in multiple languages. You can measure your typing skills, improve your typing speed and compare your results with your friends. How fast are you? Visit and figure
Take this typing test now to check your WPM (Words per minutes) statistics. No registration, no nonsense. offers a free online Typing Test and exciting typing games and keyboarding practice. Check your wpm for free now!
Typing test is the measurement of typing skill in terms of speed (WPM) and accuracy (%). Typing test score measure by the how many words a candidate can type in one minute with the accuracy ratio. Typing test helps in selecting right candidate for typing jobs in offices. Typing skill als...