Hindi Typing Test in krutidevTake Typing Test and check your typing speed, Keep in mind there is no shortcut of success, if you want good Hindi typing speed, practice is the only solution, practice more and more. Krutidev is the most popular Hindi typing test font for Govt Jobs....
Experience an entirely new app that combines science and English learning. "Typing Practice: Learn with English News" can enhance your English typing skills thr…
Another noteworthy feature of TurtleDiary is that Kids get to choose the keyboard area they wish to practice their typing skills on. Some of the game themes TurtleDiary uses include Balloon Typing, Keyracer, Underwater Typing, etc. 5. SlimeKids SlimeKids comes with a dozen games, which makes...
TypeRacer is a fun take on a typing test because you're racing other typists while you're tracking your WPM. You can race random people, invite people you know to a private typing race, or practice alone. When the race is over, you'll get a total speed reading and accuracy percentage...
HubertasVin HayataSama Iftakharpy HISEROD IndigoWilke Invades zaxophone korompaiistvan Ivaylo Ivanov JayTailor45 omentic JabbaTheGibHutt Mollerz Jelso13 bowski23 JandeMul tsjazil JohnCassavetes jeroen-meijer cincodenada jay-tau johan-perso ...
Our keyboard typing speed test is designed to be as realistic as possible; it allows you to make mistakes, but you must correct them before the timer stops. Choose the appropriate age to get vocabulary to test typing for kids or touch typing for adults. The test gives you a true measure...
i want to practice typing Stephanie says Not a very accurate test. If you make one mistake, every word after that, even if spelled correctly, shows up in red! I type approximately 80 wpm, but your test shows me at best at 35 wpm because of this problem.James...
Great for practice! think this is amazing for if you know how to type, but need to type faster. I have the same problem. This app is helping me go faster. I recommend this app for this reason; Helps you type faster - Helps you not look at the keyboard to make typing faster - doe...
As you start typing your timer will start. After completing typing test, it will show you detailed analysis of your typing skill, Key Depression and WPM Speed as per formula prescribed by the SSC. The Hindi typing test designed to practice Hindi Inscript keyboard layout. Here you can choose...
Change the style of the pace caret during the test. off | ▮ ▯ _ appearance live progress style Change the style of the timer/word count during a test. off bar text mini live speed style Change the style of the live speed displayed during the test. off text mini live...