srst2 --input_pe strainA_1.fastq.gz strainA_2.fastq.gz --output strainA_test --log --mlst_db Escherichia_coli#1.fasta --mlst_definitions profiles_csv --mlst_delimiter _ 3 - Check the outputs (i) MLST results are output in: strainA_test__mlst__Escherichia_coli#1__results.txt Sam...
CIBW_TEST_COMMAND: > python -c "import netCDF4; print(f'netCDF4 v{netCDF4.__version__}')" && pytest -s -rxs -v {project}/test && URL="" && python -c "from netCDF4 import Dataset; nc=Datas...
L. (1978). Child test battery: The toy preference questionnaire. University of Texas, United States: Unpublished manuscript. Google Scholar Spinner, L., Cameron, L., & Calogero, R. (2018). Peer toy play as a gateway to children’s gender flexibility: The effect of (counter) stereotypic...
python srst2/scripts/ --in *.all_consensus_alleles.fasta --pre test --type mlst --mlst_delimiter _ More basic usage examplesRun single read sets against MLST database and resistance databasesrst2 --input_pe pool11_tag2_1.fastq.gz pool11_tag2_2.fastq.gz --output...
coli isolates from two types of broiler farms were analyzed with the chi-square test and Fisher’s test by SPSS 25.0 (IBM Corporation, Somers, NY, USA). A value of probability (p) <0.05 was considered statistically significant. 3. Results 3.1. Isolation and Identification A total of 175 ...
To investigate the prevalence of multidrug-resistant strains, 30 multidrug-resistantE. colistrains (SF:n= 20, NSF:n= 10) were selected from 175E. colistrains for multilocus sequence typing. Primer sequences of the seven housekeeping genes ofE. coli(adk,fumC,icd,purA,gyrB,recA, andmdh) were...