For this game, give each student the same extended piece of text to type out. Set each student up at the computer, and then count down from three. When you tell them to go, they must attempt to type out the text as quickly and accurately as possible. ...
Like other forms of computer typing instructions, one student or the whole class can use Dance Mat Typing Game. This is a budget-friendly and time-saving way to learn typing because it’s completely free, and you don’t need to buy time-consuming software or setup. ...
It doesn’t matter what age your student is. Anyone can learn to type with the right eye-hand coordination. Their hands must be big enough to reach the keys as well. Are there games for kids new to typing? Beginners as young as 7 can play typing with digital games. Their hands do ...
This game enables the student to practice typing of single letters, in a relatively non pressuring environment. The letters to type are bold and easily seen, the student can practice with almost no distractions around, making it also fit to be used with formal and special education as well....
Grade-Leveled Content Personalizes Learning Having fresh, fun, and relevant curriculum content by grade level is key to student engagement and success! With Typing Agent, each individual grade, from K-12, has its own unique grade specific keyboarding curriculum delivered to each student, while our...
If fast typing can save you 10 (ten) minutes per day, it will save about 3,650 minutes or 60+ hours in a year. Imagine you are typing 60+ hours more every year because of your slow typing speed. As a student, you can quickly take notes and save time on writing assignments. Chat...
If fast typing can save you 10 (ten) minutes per day, it will save about 3,650 minutes or 60+ hours in a year. Imagine you are typing 60+ hours more every year because of your slow typing speed. As a student, you can quickly take notes and save time on writing assignments. ...
Set your students up for success with our grade differentiated and adaptive keyboarding curriculum, with thousands of lessons, covering a range of cross curricular topics that are pinpointed to each student’s individual proficiency level.
Bull Spell : A Single player racing game, where kids can choose from grade1 to grade 8 levels , to compete with other bulls.Also helps to learn new words and improve typing speed.
print(student, grade) Dict[str,float]类型提示告诉我们,grades参数传入的应该是一个字典,其中键是字符串,值是浮点数。 其他复杂的示例依然可以使用typing模块。 起个别名 如果要使用自定义类型名称,可以使用类型别名(Type Aliases)。假设您正在使用一组[x,y]点作为元组,那么我们可以使用别名将Tuple类型映射到Point...