If you have trouble to run The Typing of the Dead (Windows), read the abandonware guide first! Your nickname: Your comment: Version: Send comment Download The Typing of the Dead We may have multiple downloads for few games when different versions are available. Also, we try to ...
The Typing of The Dead: Overkill - Shakespeare DLC -Something Wicked this Way Comes...现在就下载新的Shakespeare of the Dead DLC,将莎士比亚最伟大的作品的全部力量释放给无知的僵尸群众! 亡灵打字:杀戮--银屏DLC--当成群结队的疯狂变异体降临在你身上,并明确表示要吃你的肉时,你会怎么做?敲打他们的头。
《死亡打字员:完杀(The Typing of The Dead: Overkill)》是由游戏厂商Modern Dream制作,最早在1999年登陆街机的《死亡打字员》严格意义上来说是《死亡之屋2》的一个MOD,作品因其古怪的游戏方式和向昆汀·塔伦蒂诺电影致敬的精神特质很快在一个特定的玩家群里流行了起来,成为了当时游戏界邪典作品的代表。
The game’s received a series of yearly updates for the PC ever since (albeit never escaping its HOTD2 shell), which is a fine platform for the game but almost exclusively pigeonholes it as a typing tutor. But Sega’s seen fit to bring the game back to consoles, specifically the PS2...
英文名称:The Typing of The Dead: Overkill 游戏类型:其它类(ETC)游戏 游戏制作:Modern Dream 游戏...
Typing of the dead: Overkill fuses the horror and comedy of the legendary House of the Dead series with unique typing mechanics in order to deliver a truly original gaming experience! This gruesome shooter puts you in the middle of a mutant outbreak in Bayou county. ...
The Bottom LineIf you're looking for an oddball alternative to House of the Dead 2 (that or you can't get a Dreamcast light gun), The Typing of the Dead is a hell of a choice for your Dreamcast library! I'll end this review with an excerpt from my favorite boss fight in this ...
Typing of the dead: Overkill View Add £14.99 -80% £11.99 £2.39 Less than 1% of orders are flagged for manual authorization. This process can take up to one working day, but orders are normally reviewed within a few hours.
Today's Best Gaming Deals: Typing of the Dead, 360 Controller, & More ISHU|3582d ago |News|2| ▼ Kotaku:"Typing of the Dead: Overkill isn't just fun: It'll make you a better typist too. I'd say you could write it off as a business expense. This copy unlocks on Steam." 3D...
死亡打字员过激银幕DLC What do you do when hordes of deranged mutants descend upon you with the express purpose of eating your flesh? Bash ‘em in the head. That seems to work. We’re going to make you an offer you can’t refuse: Typing of the Dead: OVERKILL帕拉斯...