网络超强练习打字的软件;盲打训练软件 网络释义
TypingMaster Pro is a very flexible application that will reallywork on improving your typing skills.Its typing test will look at your typing speed and text errors so you that will know what else you need to work hard on. It is an effective and fun way to enhance your typing....
TypingMaster Pro是目前较好的打字练习软件之一,有很不错的建议和分析报告,而且课程安排的非常合理。除了提供循序渐进的练习与轻松的打字游戏,typingmaster还会为你分析在这些练习中哪些字母你较常出错?然后再针对这些你常犯的错误对症下药,提供练习的力程予以加强。
"An Excellent Typing Mentor and My best Teacher. Additionally, an interactive user interface is always helpful to interact with. Its time-saving strategy is awesome. I love this typing master since my childhood, using Typing Master Pro 7, then 10, and finally 11. Today, Typing Master 11 is...
TypingMaster Pro(电脑键盘盲打练习软件)是一款由国外公司开发的一款专门用于键盘盲打练习工具,现在这个互联网时代,人人都会使用和学习电脑,使用电脑基本的就是打字,为了能更好的运用于工作,可以使用这款软件进行训练。软件别名:盲打训练软件 软件热度:1740 软件类型:国产软件 开发商:互联网 软件语言:简体中文 ...
TypingMaster Pro is an application software designed to practice typing with different tests to enhance key depressions speed. Different games, countdown tests, and word writing test have been included in the pack to test your typing skills and improve the parts where your fingers are imperfect to...
CodeWeavers 我们不拘一格,我们不随波逐流,我们是软件解放者。我们极其擅长我们所做的事情,这是我们的使命使然。与开源为伴的开发者成千上万,但只有其中极少数能够让原本为一个平台设计的软件工作在另外一个平台上。我们创造了 CrossOver——一种独一无二的跨平台兼容方案,不需要双启动和其他系统的使用许可。我们...
typingmaster pro免费版 安装截图 返回typingmaster pro免费版下载页面查看网友评论
Type Master is a TOUCH TYPING tutor that helps you learn to type using all your 10 FINGERS without watching the keyboard. Touch typing ALLOWS you: - to SAVE time; - to REDUCE switching of attention; - to INCREASE your efficiency at work. EXCESSI
TypingMaster Pro – 超强练习打字的软件 TypingMaster Pro是根据手指肌肉的人体工程学原理设计的超强练习打字的软件。它是一款知名的国外产品,设计科学,课程循序渐进,效果明显,包含可爱的打字小游戏,寓教于乐。 试了一下,是不错,很适合初学者,我就算了.至少能盲打的都不需要这东西. 链接...