Learn touch typing online using TypingClub's free typing courses. It includes 650 typing games, typing tests and videos.
Typing course for a standard QWERTY keyboard from beginner to advanced. Includes games, videos and other interactive lessons.
由于TypingClub是个打字练习网站,文本跟打的功能基本可以在本地跟打器中实现,进不了网站的盲打初学者可以通过复制专栏内的关卡练习内容粘贴到跟打器练习以五星通关的标准一关一关过关会有很快的进步。 或者先在Typing网站(https://www.typing.com/)上学习了标准指法后,再额外增加TypingJungle的文章打字练习(Typing的...
由于TypingClub是个打字练习网站,文本跟打的功能基本可以在本地跟打器中实现,进不了网站的盲打初学者可以通过复制专栏内的关卡练习内容粘贴到跟打器练习以五星通关的标准一关一关过关会有很快的进步。 或者先在Typing网站(https://www.typing.com/)上学习了标准指法后,再额外增加TypingJungle的文章打字练习(Typing的...
Adam Bunim 免费 截屏 简介 A simple and fun mac app for practicing blind typing. Practice 5 minutes every day and see how you get better! 新内容 2025年1月14日 版本6 localization App 隐私 开发者“Adam Bunim”已表明该 App 的隐私规范可能包括了下述的数据处理方式。有关更多信息,请参阅开发者隐...
Adam Bunim 免費 截圖 簡介 A simple and fun mac app for practicing blind typing. Practice 5 minutes every day and see how you get better! 新內容 2025年1月14日 版本6 localization App 隱私權 開發者「Adam Bunim」指出 App 的隱私權實務可能包含下方描述的資料處理。如需更多資訊,請參閱開發者的隱...
Single locus typing of MHC class I and class II B loci in a population of red jungle fowl. Immunogenetics. 2008; 60 (5):233–47. doi: 10.1007/s00251-008-0288-0. [ Cross Ref ]Worley K, Gillingham M, Jensen P, Kennedy LJ, Pizzari T, Kaufman J, et al. Single locus typing of ...
Price:Free Website:KidzType Conclusion Typing games allows kids to improve their typing skills in a fun and interactive manner. The best online free typing game for kids includes Nitro Type, Jungle Junior, and Typetastic. Keyman is the best desktop app for playing typing games offline. ...
Single locus typing of MHC class I and class II B loci in a population of red jungle fowl. Immunogenetics, 60: 233-247.Worley K, Gillingham M, Jensen P, Kennedy LJ, Pizzari T, Kaufman J, Richardson DS (2008) Single locus typing of MHC class I and class II B loci in a population...