Sex-identification and sex-typing were examined in some Nigerian primary school children using Draw-A-Person. Subjects were from the Yoruba ethnic group. Sex-role differentiation in the Yoruba culture was outlined. The effects of sex and social class on sex-identification and sex-typing were exami...
K Pfeffer.Sex-Identification and Sex-Typing in Some Nigerian Children’s Drawings. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality . 1985K Pfeffer.Sex-Identification and Sex-Typing in Some Nigerian Children’s Drawings.Journal of Social Behavior and Personality. 1985...
Serum IgG concentration was lower in Jamaicans than in Nigerians. The maternalfoetal IgG ratio was also lower in Jamaican sera than in Nigerian sera. It is suggested that endemic malaria in Nigeria may be responsible for these differences. The higher IgM concentration in the Nigerian cord sera ...