首先,访问Typing Club的官方网站,使用邮箱注册后即可登录。 网站共有684关,随着关数的增加,通关所需的打字速度也会逐渐提高,从30wpm到35wpm,再到40wpm和45wpm,最后几关甚至要求达到50wpm! 【个人体验】 学习的本质在于系统的训练。我的基础是43-45wpm,经过2个月的练习,打字速度提升到了50wpm左右,现在打字时更...
Learn touch typing online using TypingClub's free typing courses. It includes 650 typing games, typing tests and videos.
World's most popular free typing program! Typing.com’s K–12 typing curriculum features touch typing, digital citizenship, coding lessons, and games.
typing club的课程质量依然上乘,不仅有针对拼音的字母和音节的支持,而且还有贴心的汉语一二三四级的文章节选。最最最接地气的还有诗歌和成语的章节,小伙伴们练习打字的同时还能顺便熏陶一下文学,岂不美哉! 目前课程的内容如下: 基准键1 - 19 上排字母20 - 45 下排字母46 - 68 特殊符号69 - 78...
earshot.) Users can take a placement test to see where they should start, watch their stats progress, and earn badges. If you’re looking for a progressive course, or need somewhere for a beginner to start, as opposed to a short game that provides occasional practice, Typing Club is it...
Students will improve keyboard skills, thus improving efficiency in may other areas of study PROGRAM CONSIDERATIONS: Must have access to an actu al computer keyboard; cannot be completed on a tablet or other mobile device Available only during the Summer Treasure Hunt ...
Discover key details about Typing-Club.com, including domain registration, server location, IP address, and more. Analyze performance metrics and explore related tools.
针对有些盲打初学者进不了网站,以及Typing Club有次网页改版后练习界面加载变得很卡(虽然现在改回去了,那段时间笔者就是换成跟打器进行的关卡练习)的情况导致笔者中断了每日的网站打卡练习,因此笔者打算把Typing Jungle课程的关卡练习内容(除付费关卡)搬运到专栏。
Typing Club www.typingclub.com This might be the best free online typing tutorial out there. It starts with the most basic practice (with the F and J keys), and advances gradually to advanced levels which include number practice, capital letter practice and special symbols such as $, % @ ...
封校期间练完了一整套typing club的打字课程 打字速度和键位准确度有了很大提升;把自2015年一直没看完的CANON 760D的说明书啃了下来 并配合小红书、 b站学了常用的拍摄场景 现在终于懂得合理利用M档拍摄 并适...