Discus and support How can I enable typing accented Pinyin characters? (Pinyin input is easy. I want Pinyin... in Windows 10 Customization to solve the problem; I'm taking a class in Mandarin and would like to be able to type out pinyin characters with accents fo...
Although the basic mapping between keys on the keyboard and the characters they produce is under control ofxkb(which we will configure below), the action of the ‘Compose’ key (the right-hand Windows key on my keyboard) is locale-dependent. We want differentxtermwindows to have different ‘...
CS5 AI. How to add accented text character in windows After googling a lot I've found that there's a way of inputting the Polish accented characters on the Polish (Programmers) keyboard setting by pressing Shift + <~> followed by the corresponding chara...
在iPad 上,向 Photoshop 文档的“文字”图层中输入文本时,无法键入法语和德语的重音字符。当您使用与 iPad 相连的实体键盘键入内容时,会出现此问题。操作系统iPadOS 设备连接了实体键盘的 iPad 解决方案在您的 iPad 设置中,更改已连接的实体键盘的版面设置。
Problem Französische und deutsche Akzentzeichen sind nicht verfügbar, wenn Sie Text in die Textebene eines Photoshop-Dokuments auf Ihrem iPad eingeben. Das Problem tritt auf, wenn Sie mit einer physischen Tastatur tippen, die an das iPad angeschlossen ist. ...
在iPad 上,使用实体键盘向 Photoshop 文档中键入内容时,获取法语和德语的重音字符。问题在iPad 上,向 Photoshop 文档的“文字”图层中输入文本时,无法键入法语和德语的重音字符。当您使用与 iPad 相连的实体键盘键入内容时,会出现此问题。操作系统iPadOS 设备连接了实体键盘的 iPad ...
Franska och tyska accenttecken är inte tillgängliga när du skriver text i ett Photoshop-dokuments Textlager på din iPad. Problemet uppstår när du skriver på ett fysiskt tangentbord som är anslutet till iPad. Operativsystem ...
I caratteri accentati francesi e tedeschi non sono disponibili quando si immette testo nel livello di digitazione di un documento Photoshop su iPad. Il problema si verifica quando si digita con una tastiera fisica collegata all’iPad.