Because the battery often has significant wiring connecting it to the charger, additional decoupling output capacitors at the charger are needed. The BAT node is also used for voltage sensing so better performance is obtained with lower voltage ripple at the BAT and FB pins. The BAT capacitor ...
As a discharge switch opens, cell wiring resistance will also form a small voltage step (recovery of the small IR drop), so keeping the frequency cutoff of the filter relatively high will allow adequate set- tling prior to the actual conversion. A guard time of about 60µs is provided ...
This can be read from internal status registers and/or used to drive a GPIO status signal as described in GPIO Modes. See the STATUS.SYS_APLL_STATUS bit field. Input Stage The input stage is managed with bit fields in the INPUT_n modules where n ranges from 0 to 15. See Module: ...
As a discharge switch opens, cell wiring resistance will also form a small voltage step (recovery of the small IR drop), so keeping the frequency cutoff of the filter relatively high will allow adequate settling prior to the actual conversion. A guard time of about 60μs is provided in ...
and/or LOS input pins • Loss of Signal (LOS) input pins (via GPIOs) can be assigned to any input clock reference ▪ Automatic reference selection state machines select the active reference for each DPLL based on the reference monitors, priority tables, revertive / non-revertive, and ot...
Instead, the fast edge shock excites a resonant circuit formed by a combination of wiring harness, backplane and circuit board parasitic inductances and MOSFET capacitance. In theory, the peak voltage should rise to 2X the input supply, but in practice the peak can reach 2.5X, owing to the ...
This simple functional difference offers the possibility for enhanced cell 1 measurement accuracy, enhanced SPI noise tolerance and simplified wiring. More information is provided in the Applications Information section entitled Advantages of Kelvin Connection for C0. V+ (Pin 1): Positive Power Supply....
and/or LOS input pins • Loss of Signal (LOS) input pins (via GPIOs) can be assigned to any input clock reference ▪ Automatic reference selection state machines select the active reference for each DPLL based on the reference monitors, priority tables, revertive / non-revertive, and ot...
As a discharge switch opens, cell wiring resistance will also form a small voltage step (recovery of the small IR drop), so keeping the frequency cutoff of the filter relatively high will allow adequate set- tling prior to the actual conversion. A guard time of about 60µs is provided ...