Name any conqueror from the 16th Century. Save a select few, the big names all came from Extremadura – Pizarro, Núñez de Balboa, Hernán Cortés. Loyal to the Spanish crown, they claimed a sizeable chunks of land, changing the course of history and effectively bringing the Spanish languag...
15 Months Old Your child’s healthcare provider may ask about how your toddler’s interpersonal, language, and cognitive skills are coming along. For example, they might ask whether your child is starting to explore more independently, whether they point to common objects when you say their na...
Arroz de Mariscois a rich seafood stew that’s made up of fish and rice. It’s a Portuguese favourite, and it’s also another of theSeven Wonders of Portuguese Gastronomy. Some people say it’s like a Spanish paella, but it’s very different due to the amount of sauce. As well as...
Traditionally, our breakfast is composed by eggs, bread –as white bread, toasts, pastries, etc.-, and cheese –mainlyour white cheese named Turrialba-; corntortillas, sour cream,fried plantains, sausage or another kind of meat can be added too… and last but not least, theGallo Pinto. Ga...
Origin: Naples (Campania) Typology:Desserts Struffoli area variant of a confectionary specialty that is widespread, with different names and specific characteristics, in most countries of the Mediterranean basin: from Spain to Greece to Turkey. Let’s find out what makes them so special that they ...
We studied everything from science to maths and Spanish to PE.I played the flute(长笛)in a band, so one of my class periods was used for that. Lunchtime would be at 12:30 and then we had some time to hang out outside or by our lockers. At the end of the day there was a ...
We studied everything from science to maths and Spanish to PE.I played the flute(长笛)in a band, so one of my class periods was used for that. Lunchtime would be at 12:30 and then we had some time to hang out outside or by our lockers. At the end of the day there was a ...
一、 某一铁路新建线,沿线所经地貌主要有河谷阶地、丘陵、低山3种,所经地区属剥蚀成因类型,地形切割细碎,林木覆盖率低且不断恶化,水土流失严重。沿线水系有长江支流。地下水主要类型有第四系松散堆积层孔隙潜水及基岩裂隙水、岩溶水等。沿线不良地质主要有错落、崩塌、岩堆、岩溶、人为坑洞及顺层、软质岩路堑边坡...