garage sale 1 garbage 24 garbage bag 5 garbanzo 1 Gardabae 2 Gardabaer 3 garden 13 garden shop 1 gardening 4 garlic 4 Garðabær 1 gas 6 gas station 5 gasoline 1 gate 2 gates 1 gathered 1 Gaujulundur 1 gauze 1 gear 5 geese 2 geeses 1 geezer...
We parked the car at the usual garage (I’ll be covering that in another post), and headed over to FNAC so Vincent could buy some novels in the French language. Then we stopped at Sophie Sacs. FNAC is such a great store and there are many throughout France. It’s Best Buy on ...
Twenty percent of all errors were “test failures” — mainly due to not verifying the progress of what the body was doing. A man about to get his car out of the garage passed through the back yard where his garden jacket and boots were kept, put them on — much to his surprise. A...
People no longer want a garage that is too narrow for modern cars, or to enter a property directly into a living room, or to have no ground floor cloakroom or coat cupboard. They do not want to have a living room that is too small and not properly proportioned, or to have bedrooms t...