There is usually a cost involved with online texts that you pay upfront with the university and you may not realize this. However, that cost does not cover you printing out the text yourself or the ink and paper being used. Therefore, you should be aware of this prior to your online ...
meaning that systems will fail regardless of their ability to pass unit tests. That stated, some form of automated testing has proven to be an improvement in basically every environment I’ve seen it used. But it has a real cost trade-off. ...
Certain providers develop detailed growth plans for midmarket businesses and gradually increase the number of features in order not to burden their budget’s capacity too much. In cases like these, it is of vital importance to give systems a test drive first with a free trial so that you wil...
which can be described as “the affective, cognitive, and experiential relationship individuals have with the natural world or a subjective sense of connectedness with nature” (p. 719). This connection to nature has been associated with the capacity to develop a deepened...
Firstly, how to develop a student- centered talent training system in the era of information by making full use of information technology to re-design learning environment, contents, methods, and evaluation? Secondly, how to share high-quality educational resources and improve teaching methods by ...
pathogen source) due to a lack of background information66. Further research on QMRA, especially on the development of framework modules incorporating cross-contamination scenarios and simulation models including bacterial transfer, are needed to develop mitigation strategies against foodborne illnesses33,34...
By using the directional thunderstorm wind model, it is possible to achieve the decoupling of longitudinal and lateral fluctuating wind speed components, quantitatively study the wind direction of the thunderstorm, and develop credible comparisons between the properties of thunderstorm and synoptic wind spe...
These results only have theoretical value because, in practice, they would impose an extra cost to the solar flat-plate convertor installers in Greece. It is interesting to observe that (1) all surface azimuths were oriented almost toward due south (180°), (2) the optimum angle of ...
This approach significantly reduces the time and cost of production compared to traditional trial-and-error methodologies. This study provides a review of cross-scale simulations focusing on the casting, hot-rolling, and laminar cooling processes, aiming at presenting the key techniques for realizing ...
Dynamic performance of a GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) positioning device (PD) is of interest to end users of satellite-based auto-guidance systems (AGS) for agricultural vehicles, especially when a low-cost PD is used. This study evaluated the overall dynamic performance in an agricu...