Atypical flutterPulmonary vein isolationA 67-year-old man without prior heart disease presented with atrial flutter, with a 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) suggestive of typical atrial flutter. The patient underwent electrophysiology study and was found to have atypical atrial flutter, with entrainment ...
Canon Medical Systems, Otawara, Japan), with retrospective ECG-gated scans. In the routine protocol of atrial fibrillation, the total iodine dose was 160 mg/kg. On occasion, the application of contrast media was avoided because of chronic
Clinical assessment, resting ECG and 24-hour ECG monitoring were performed every three months and at any moment if symptoms suggested recurrence. Only atrial flutter which was proven to be cavotricuspid isthmus dependent during a subsequent ablation was considered a true recurrence. Forty two clinical...
Insights into new-onset atrial fibrillation following open heart surgery and implications for type II atrial flutter Postoperative atrial fibrillation (POAF), new-onset AF after open heart surgery (OHS), is thought to be related to pericarditis. Based on AF studies in the... SA Sadrpour,D Sri...
Typical atrial flutterAtrial flutter is a term encompassing multiple clinical entities. Clinical manifestations of these arrhythmias range from typical isthmus-dependent flutter to post-ablation microreentries. Twelve-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) is a diagnostic tool in typical flutter, but it is often ...
We postulated that measuring the extra-isthmus activation time (EIAT) on the counterclockwise (CCW) ECG flutter (F) wave is correlated with the extra-isthmus conduction time after proven BIB. Methods Files of 76 consecutive patients (pts; 71卤12 y) ablated for CCW AFl were reviewed. Ten ...
Aim It is commonly conceived that coronary sinus (CS) participates in atrial flutter (AFL) circuit but limited to the fibers surrounding its ostium. We evaluated the involvement of proximal CS in typical AFL. Methods Twenty AFL patients underwent entrainment mapping using postpacing interval minus ...
Aims We aimed to assess the novel concept of using the paced PR interval (PRI) on the surface electrocardiogram (ECG) to prove trans-isthmus block after cavotricuspid isthmus (CTI) ablation for typical atrial flutter (AFl).Madaffari, Antonio...
Background Cavotricuspid isthmus-dependent counterclockwise atrial flutter (typical AFL) is characterized by negative saw-tooth morphology flutter wave (F-wave) in the inferior leads, which is classified as type 1 with purely negative F-wave without positive terminal deflection (PTD), type 2 with ...
We postulated that measuring the extra-isthmus activation time (EIAT) on the counterclockwise (CCW) ECG flutter (F) wave is correlated with the extra-isthmus conduction time after proven BIB. Methods Files of 76 consecutive patients (pts; 71±12 y) ablated for CCW AFl were reviewed. Ten ...