Two parallel paths are set up above one another at heights of 0.65 m and 2.36 m respectively, referred to as NH3,0.65m and NH3,2.36m. The mass density is calculated from 30-min averaged spectra with a typical standard deviation of 0.15 μg m−3 (Volten et al., 2012a). Both DOAS...
Bias Correction with N-dimensional probability density function transform (MBCn)46methods. The QDM is a univariate bias-correction method that preserves climate model projected future changes in the quantiles of climate variables while at the same time correcting systematic biases in the quantiles. Clima...
It was found that site characteristics in plot layout, density and greenery had different impacts on UHI-day and UHI-night patterns. Daytime UHI was closely related to site shading factor. Total site factor as an integrated measure of solar admittance showed a higher explanatory power in UHI-...
Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health (2024) Pollution characteristics and health risk assessment of PM2.5-bound polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), nitro-PAHs, and halogenated-PAHs in Shanxi, China Zhiping Li Qianlong Hao Ruijin Li Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health (2024) Traffic influenced respi...
Pre-reproductive density ranged between 0.17 and 0.37 ind/km2(mean ± SE: 0.21 ± 0.04 ind/km2) and tended to decrease with increasing deviations of the macronutrient ratio from the target (P = 0.037, R2 = 0.78; Fig.3). ...
The density of the hydrocarbon oils used in this work was measured according to the international standard ISO 3838–200430and the kinematic viscosity was tested follow with the Chinese national standard GB/T 265–8831, respectively. The test was conducted at least three times, and the average va...
Scientific Reports | 7:41078 | DOI: 10.1038/srep41078 4 Methods Using the full-potential linearized augmented plane-wave code FLEUR48, we performed self-consistent density functional theory calculations of the electronic structure of disordered γ-FeMn alloys within ...
Surface runoff is difficult to form with small rainfall due to the fragmented surface, steep and rugged slopes, low runoff coefficients in slope surfaces and small river network density [57,58,59,60,61]. Rainfall is the main factor for runoff formation, and its intensity, duration and areas ...
Herein, ETo represents the reference evapotranspiration (mm day−1); Rn represents net radiation at the crop surface (MJ m−2 day−1); G represents the density of soil heat flux (MJ m−2day−1) (=0 for daily calculations); T represents the mean daily air temperature at 2 m he...
Each uncertain parameter is characterized with a suitable probability density function. Moreover, three performance metrics (PMs) of the engine are also determined considering the general acceptance requirements of customers. To reduce the computational cost, three independent GPMs associated with the PMs...