Check out several “older” influencers shilling makeup and skincare. Most are using filters to make the public believe that, at 60 years, they have the visage of a 25-year-old. Honey. I have a bridge to sell ya. And the beauty industry should be ashamed to allow this. Quite f...
(2013), 2-year-old infants at high-risk of developing ASD and low-risk controls completed an ME referent selection task with ostensive social feedback, followed by a retention test after 5 min. Receiving social feedback significantly improved retention of newly-learned words in low-risk ...
atmosphere Article Parameterization of Evapotranspiration Estimation for Two Typical East Asian Crops Peng Zhao 1,*,† and Johannes Lüers 1,2 1 Department of Micrometeorology, University of Bayreuth, 95447 Bayreuth, Germany; 2 Member of Bayreuth Centre of Ecology ...
energies Article The Impacts of a Building's Thermal Mass on the Cooling Load of a Radiant System under Various Typical Climates Rong Hu 1, Gang Liu 2,* and Jianlei Niu 3 1 School of Architecture and Traffic Engineering, Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Guangxi 541004, China; rong...