Predictive models from the previous day suggested Khanun’strajectorypointed at China’s coast, south of Shanghai, but moving more slowly than previously forecast. The typhoon was expected to slow or stall near Okinawa, Japan, before lingering offshore of China for severa...
Mawar has passed Guam and is generating divergent model forecast paths Assuming central among those, recurvature and offshore Japan etc. A lot of near-surface ocean mixing happens, so this might be a apt time for Fukushima to send...
Killer storms like Haiyan have gotten stronger over recent decades, andclimate models forecast that they're going to get more powerful in the coming years.The devastation wrought by Haiyan is all the more sobering given that the Philippines are better at dealing with them than most places...
Mawar has passed Guam and is generating divergent model forecast paths Assuming central among those, recurvature and offshore Japan etc. A lot of near-surface ocean mixing happens, so this might be a apt time for Fukushima to send...
This study quantitatively estimated the precipitation associated with a typhoon in the northwestern Pacific Ocean by using a physical algorithm which included the Weather Research and Forecasting model, Radiative Transfer for TIROS Operational Vertical