The distinct eye of Super Typhoon Jelawat was on display for NASA's Aqua satellite today (Sept. 27) as the storm raged over the Pacific Ocean northeast of the Philippines. Jelawat is currently sporting winds of 155 mph (250 kph), and the storm is hundreds of kilometers in diameter, certa...
NASA's RapidScat instrument aboard theInternational Space Stationand the agency's free-flying Aqua satellite peered down to observe Super Typhoon Soudelor, which registers as a Class Five typhoon — the highest classification on the Saffir-Simpson Wind Scale. ...
Location of eye/center: At 4:00 AM today, the eye of Typhoon “LAWIN” was located based on satellite and surface data at 610 km Northeast of Itbayat, Batanes (25.5°N, 126.3°E). Strength: Maximum sustained winds of 175 kph near the center and gustiness of up to 210 kph. Movement...
UPDATE: Sept. 13, 2016, 3:59 p.m. EDT Super Typhoon Meranti made landfall on tiny Itbayat Island, which is owned by the Philippines and is reportedly home to around 2,800 people. The entire island fit within the fierce storm's eye, creating a rarely seen satellite view early Wednesday...
Using a satellite RAR enables us to estimate both the surface wind field under heavy clouds and the location of individual rain cells with rainfall rate > 10-15 mm/h which are undistinguishable on SSM/I-retrievals due to antenna smoothing. Precipitating clouds were localized mainly within a ...
Takao 2015: Quantitative assessment of the impact of typhoon dis- turbance on a Japanese forest using satellite laser altimetry. Remote Sensing of Environment, 156, 216-225, doi:10.1016/ j.rse.2014.09.028.Quantitative assessment of the impact of typhoon disturbance on a Japanese forest using ...
Wu, 2011: The impact of a warm ocean eddy on Typhoon Morakot (2009): A preliminary study from satellite observations and numerical modeling. Terr. Atmos. Oceanic Sci., 22, 661-671.Lin, I., Chou, M., & Wu, C. (2011). The impact of a warm ocean eddy on typhoon Morakot (2009):...
Thus the assimilation of ATOVS radiance from a single satellite may perform better than that from two or three satellites.DONG Hai-pingAir force Meteorological CenterLI Xing-wuAir force Meteorological CenterGUO Wei-dongAir force Meteorological Center...
Li, Tim,Fu, Bing.Tropical cyclogenesis associated with Rossby wave energy dispersion of a preexisting typhoon. Part I: Satellite data analyses.Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. 2006Tropical cyclogenesis associated with Rossby wave energy dispersion of a preexistingtyphoon:PartⅠ.Satellite data ...