And even now the yellow banks by the sea are red with the blood of the Typhonian battle." Pankrates, Antinous (trans. Page, Vol. Select Papyri III, No. 128) (Greek poetry C2nd A.D.) : "Like Typhoeus of old against Zeus the giant-killed (gigantoletos)."...
Typhon overthrow – the throne of Father Zeus The creation of the gods – And the order of Mankind Typhon is alive- Descending with allies And the empires will fear – All the power of ther wrath The Dragon breaks the temple wall
Blood for the Blood God! Skulls for the Skull Throne!! 分享21赞 steam吧 wangzhiwen92 《掠食》将于12月11日更新多人游戏未来还会推出VR版本的多人模式。 Bethesda和Arkane Studios宣布,《掠食》将于12月11日推出名为“台风猎人”(Typhon Hunter)的最终更新,为游戏加入多人游戏和VR模式,官方放出了该更新...