Shop our extensive collection of typewriters, typewriter ribbons, supplies, parts, and manuals! Founded in 1958, we sell new and reconditioned typewriters.
Typewriter repair keeps this Old Dog sharp and on her toes. Two recent repairs on two different SCM Electra 120s broadened my skill set and gave me a lot of old-dog-new-trick satisfaction. The first repair was on one of my “catch and release” typewriters that came back to me recently...
(confirmed as aREMINGTON ALL-NEW, ca. 1949 — Thanks Piotr & Don! — and of course, thanks to Wonder how the ad copy kids handled that model name, though? “Introducing the New, Remington All-New… it’s all new for you…” Um… Then they could ...
For the new bracing I went with the V brace design that I’ve used for the last 4 guitars I made. This is a proven design that has lots of advantages over ladder bracing and the common x bracing. For one thing it is extremely simple. It puts the main axis of strength in the same...