Edit: typescript-eslint@v7 supports ESLint flat config! See: https://typescript-eslint.io/blog/announcing-typescript-eslint-v7 Overview ESLint is adding an exciting new config system called "flat" configs: Configuration files docs: https...
importeslintfrom'@eslint/js';constflatConfig=[{name:'some global cofig here',languageOptions:{globals:{// ...},},rules:{'no-unused-vars':0,},},{name:'some user comfig here',files:['src/**.{ts, tsx}'],rules:{// ...},},// global files{files:['src/**.{ts, tsx}'],}...
Have you checked out the getting started guide as well as the typescript-eslint package docs which provides examples of the types for a flat config file and our recommended best practices for setting up flat configs? https://typescript-eslint.io/getting-started/ https://typescript-eslint.io...
rule-tester:run method - avoid to infer type parameter fromtestsparam (#10324) typescript-eslint:allow infinitely deep array nesting in config function and extends (#10333) utils:add new optionallanguagefield toFlatConfig.Configtype (#10326) 🩹 Fixes add missing peer dependencies (#9744) es...
However, in August 2022, the ESlint team came up with a new config system called ESlint Flat Config. This new config system allows (among other things) for a shared config to declare its dependencies as dev (or regular) dependencies, and include them in the config file (by importing ...
Eslint Config Lucid TypescriptA collection of eslint plugins for typescript with settings focused on reducing cognitive load and improving readability.DisclaimerLucid only supports the new flat config that shipped with ESLint v8.21.0InstallationFirst...
npm install --save-dev eslint typescript typescript-eslint-parser eslint-plugin-typescript eslint-config-alloy 1. 在你的项目根目录下创建.eslintrc.js,并将以下内容复制到文件中: module.exports = { extends: [ 'eslint-config-alloy/typescript', ...
// eslint.config.mjsimportpluginVuefrom"eslint-plugin-vue";importvueTsEslintConfigfrom"@vue/eslint-config-typescript";exportdefault[ ...pluginVue.configs["flat/essential"], ...vueTsEslintConfig(), ] The above configuration enablesthe essential rules for Vue 3andthe recommended rules for Type...
{ // SwitchCase: 1, // flatTernaryExpressions: true // } // ] } };</pre> <h2>使用 ESLint 检查 tsx 文件</h2> <p>如果需要同时支持对 tsx 文件的检查,则需要对以上步骤做一些调整:</p> <h3>安装 eslint-plugin-react</h3> <pre> npm install --save-dev eslint-plugin-react</pre> ...
其次,配置文件的名称也变了,从.eslintrc.js变成了eslint.config.js,即官方文档中所说的Flat Config Files。跟随名称一起变化的是整个配置格式也全部变了,原配置项全部需要迁移到新的格式。-_-|| 以下是原配置文件内容,我们来看看如何迁移到Flat Config Files格式: ...