}// this is some async function to create object of A class and do something with itasyncfunctioncreateObjectAndDoSomethingUseful() {// try/catch to capture exceptions during async executiontry{// create object and wait until its initialized (promise resolved)vara =awaitfactory(A);// then do...
ca.seed()// const saveByteArray = (function () {// var a = document.createElement('a')// document.body.appendChild(a)// a.style.display = 'none'// return function (data: Array<BlobPart>, name: string) {// var blob = new Blob(data, { type: 'octet/stream' ...
sensorUID - The unique identifier of the IoT sensor whose data is to* be aggregated.*/asyncfunctionhandleDataAggregation(sensorUID):Promise<void>{// Implementation goes here.} If jobs might throw errors, you don't need to worry about these errors propagating to the event loop and potentially...
Locating Missing Await Statements in Node, Typescript, and VSCode for Async Function Calls, Confused and overwhelmed by async/await's potential, Locate the Absent 'Await' in Your Solution
declare function MaybePromise<T>(value: T): T | Promise<T> | PromiseLike<T>; async function doSomething(): Promise<[number, number]> { const result = await Promise.all([ MaybePromise(100), MaybePromise(200) ]); // Error! // // [number | Promise<100>, number | Promise<200>] ...
function useDebounceFn<T extends Fn>(fn: T, wait = 0, options?: DebounceSettings) { const debouncedCallback = useMemo(() => debounce(fn, wait, options), [fn, wait, options]); useEffect( () => () => { const callback = debouncedCallback as any; callback.clear && callback.clea...
Wait until all current requests finish executing Close server connections, like connection to a database, external APIs, etc. Exit This way you are not interrupting running operations and prevent a lot of related problems. Read more: Graceful shutdown in NodeJS ...
interface IProps extends RouteComponentProps { } interface IState { hello: string; } export class MyComponent extends Component<IProps, IState> { constructor(props: IProps) { super(props); this.state = { hello: '' } } async componentDidMount() { await this.setState({hello: 'hello worl...
Async / await keywords are available in TypeScript since 1.7 version. Until new realease, they were transpiled to generator functions using yield. In 2.1, async and wait are finally downleveling to ES3 and ES5, so now, we could use those features in comp