5.性能与工具支持 **interface**:在大型项目中,interface的性能略优于type。工具支持更好(如自动补全...
2.1、接口可以扩展,但 type 不能 extends 和 implement 。 接口可以扩展,但type不能extends和implement。 不过,type可以通过交叉类型实现interface的extends行为。 interface可以extends type,同时type也可以与interface类型交叉。 2.1.1、接口扩展 interface Name { name: string; } interface User extends Name { age:...
interfaceIceCreamArray { [index:number]:string; }letmyIceCream: IceCreamArray; myIceCream = ['chocolate','vanilla','strawberry'];letmyStr:string= myIceCream[0];console.log(myStr); 您也可以使用內建的陣列類型,或建立自訂陣列的型別別名,但藉由使用介面,您可以定義自己的陣列類型,讓想使用該介面的任...
interface Song { songName: string; }; const song: Song = { artistName: "Freddie", songName: "The Chain" }; TypeScript will automatically merge both interfaces declarations into one, so when we use this Song interface, we’ll have both properties. ...
You can use theLoggerinterface as any other type. Here is an example creating an object literal that matches theLoggerinterface: interfaceLogger{log:(message:string)=>void;}constlogger:Logger={log:(message)=>console.log(message),}; Copy ...
It defines what the code contract requires, while a variable, function, or class that implements the interface satisfies the contract by providing the required implementation details.After defining an interface, you can use it as a type and get all the benefits of type checking and Intellisense....
interface Foo { bar: boolean; } and the value such as {bar: true} or {bar: false}, when trying to use with spread operator and the Typescript type suggested above const matchedValues: PactMatchable<Foo[]> = values.map( (w) => { return { ...w, bar: Matchers.boolean(), }; ...
TypeScript Interface vs type alias All In One Type aliases and interfaces are very similar and you can choose freely between them. Personally, I use type aliases when defining primitive, union, intersection, function, or tuple types. However, I make use of interfaces when defining object types...
interfaceRectangle { height: number, width: number } constrectangle: Rectangle = { height:20, width:10 }; Try it Yourself » Extending Interfaces Interfaces can extend each other's definition. Extendingan interface means you are creating a new interface with the same properties as the original...