这个类型定义非常简单,即接收 object 并返回 string[]。 也就是说,我们可以轻松让这个方法接收通用参数 T 并返回 (keyof T)[]。 只要这样定义 Object.keys,就不会触发任何类型错误。 所以大家第一反应肯定是把 Object.keys 定义成这样,可 TypeScript 偏没有这么做。究其原因,与 TypeScript 的结构类型系统有关。
This is becausekeyis type ofstring, instead of'a' | 'b' | 'c' exportconstmyObject={a:1,b:2,c:"3"}constobjectKeys=<T>(obj:T):(keyofT)[]=>{returnObject.keys(obj)as(keyofT)[]}objectKeys(myObject).forEach((key)=>{console.log(myObject[key])})...
functionprintUser(user:User){Object.keys(user).forEach((key)=>{// 不起作用!console.log(user[key]);// 出错信息如下:// Expression implicitly has an 'any' type because expression of type 'string' can't be used to index type 'User'.// No index signature with a parameter of type 'str...
typescript中使用Object.keys 开发中使用typescript的时候,经常会遇到使用Object.keys这个方法报错的情况,报错如下: 错误场景1 varfoo ={ a:'1', b:'2'}vargetPropertyValue = Object.keys(foo).map(item =>foo[item]) //这里会有typescript的错误提示...
The verification result's typescript type is an object with string keys and the values with the resulting type of the valueSpec verification: { [key: string]: VerifiedType<typeof valueSpec> }.With the following global and local options the behavior of the Type.map spec can be adjusted:...
Bug Report When creating a object with symbols for keys and explicitly telling typescript the object should be of type Record<string, string>. Typescript fails to throw an error. Is does however throw an error when you use the symbol to ...
In typescript, keyof is defined as indexed type query operator for any object type this keyof the object type would be the union of properties of object names and this also works with object type for user properties which produces the type literal union of its keys and the type here may ...
在上述示例中,NestedObject接口使用索引签名[key: string]来定义属性的键可以是任意字符串,而属性的值是一个具有name和age属性的对象。然后,我们创建了一个obj对象,它具有两个属性,key1和key2,它们的值分别是具有name和age属性的对象。 这种方式可以应用于任意级别的嵌套对象,只需要在嵌套的对象类型中使用相同的索...