// 对应command参数,是否是一个命令,否则为执行文件路径"isShellCommand": true,// 是否在执行task任务时显示控制台窗口"showOutput": "always",// 对应command参数指定程序的参数"args": ["-p", "src", "--allowJs", "-w"],// 不太明白这个,基本用不到"problemMatcher": "$tsc",}...
"label": "manually run script", "type": "shell", "command":["node ${workspaceFolder}/output/main.js"], "group": "test" } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 另外我们需要先把"isDefault": true字段从automatically run script删除,然后添加到tsc: watch - tsconfig.json的group字段中,最新task.json配置表...
但是报错了!! 原因:此类原因是虽然在全局下安装了,但是可能vscode的终端模式是powershell模式,点击右面的+号,选择Command Prompt 模式, 我们就可以看到powershell转化为cmd执行VSCode使用管理员身份打开!!!就可以了 然后输入:npm start,或者npm run dev运行项目: 2. 番外-使用VS Code构建VUE项目必备的几款常用插件:...
复制 Exception on executing command{"seq":2,"type":"request","command":"updateOpen","arguments":{"changedFiles":[],"closedFiles":[],"openFiles":………` 终于看到一丝希望了,(一天已经过去一大半了) 带着log信息。继续查资料,终于在github上找到了类似的bug。发现还有好多人提这个问题,而且是最近这...
To run a lint operation (that is, scan your code for errors) use this shortcut command:PowerShell 复制 npm run lint To auto-fix lint issues, you can use this:PowerShell 复制 npm run lint -- --fix To create an addon file you can share, run:...
shh`command`: string Same assh; doesn't print anything to stdout or stderr. Mock A mock object. Mock.called: number Indicates how often this mock was called. License MIT. See Also shell-tag- Run shell commands with template strings ...
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67677320/this-is-not-the-tsc-command-you-are-looking-for KnightKrusty commentedon Jan 8, 2022 KnightKrusty on Jan 8, 2022 I need to first runnpx -p typescriptthat log me in new shell after that tsc -w works.. otherwise its the same error over and...
代码语言:shell 复制 pnpmcreate t3-app@latest 安装过程如下 prisma 此时安装完先别急着 pnpm run dev 启动项目,首先执行 代码语言:shell 复制 npx prisma db push 运行结果如下 代码语言:shell 复制 Environment variables loaded from .env Prisma schema loaded from prisma schema.prisma ...
'\""# REG DELETE 'HKCR\*\shell\Open with bash'# REG DELETE 'HKCR\Directory\shell\bash'# REG DELETE 'HKCR\Directory\Background\shell\bash'REG ADD'HKCR\.sh'-f -ve -t REG_SZ -d".sh_auto_file"REG ADD'HKCR\.sh_auto_file\shell\open\command'-f -ve -t REG_SZ -d"$cmd"REG ...
2. npx husky add .husky/pre-commit "npm run lint-staged" 执行完毕之后会在根目录出现一个husky文件夹,其中有一个pre-commit的文件,在这个shell中我们可以看到npm run lint-staged的命令 而在文章开始的package.json中就已经定义好了这一段代码: