remove(item) { this.modal.confirm({ nzTitle: '提示', nzContent: '是否确认删除?', nzOkText: '确定', nzCancelText: '取消', nzOnOk: () => { const objectStore = this.DB.transaction(Chapter1Component.DB_Table_Name, "readwrite").objectStore(Chapter1Component.DB_Table_Name); const request...
UsedeleteOperator to Remove an Array Item in TypeScript Thedeleteoperator in TypeScript completely deletes the value of the property and the object’s property, but we can still achieve the functionality of removing elements using the operator. The property cannot be used again when deleted unless...
同样的,使用context.emit('add', state.inputValue)来派发事件给父组件,然后我们先实现add,remove,toggle这三个方法,并封装成一个工具函数,在src目录中创建utils文件夹,然后创建todoAction.ts,用来承载具体的业务逻辑: 代码语言:txt 复制 import { Ref } from 'vue' import { Todo } from '@/types/todo' ex...
item.removeChild(item.firstChild as ChildNode); } }) 这是我最近写的一段代码(略微删改),在第一页有个add-ele元素的时候就删除它。这里我们将item.firstChild断言成了HTMLDivElement类型,如果不断言,item.firstChild的类型就是ChildNode,而ChildNode类型中是不存在classList属性的,所以就就会报错,当我们把他断...
(index: number, model: Object):; page(): number; page(page: number): void; pageSize(): number; pageSize(size: number): void; query(options?: any): void; read(data?: any): void; remove(model: void; sort(sort: DataSourceSortItem): void; ...
DataTransferItemList.Item returns type now is DataTransferItem instead of File. See #6106 for more details. return type now is Window instead of any. See #6418 for more details. WeakMap.clear as removed. See #6500 for more details. Disallow this accessing before super-call ES6 ...
typeInfiniteBox<T>={item:InfiniteBox<T>}typeUnpack<T>=Textends{item: inferU}?Unpack<U>:T;// error: Type instantiation is excessively deep and possibly infinite.typeTest=Unpack<InfiniteBox<number>> The above example is intentionally simple and useless, but there are plenty of types that are...
type InfiniteBox<T> = { item: InfiniteBox<T> } type Unpack<T> = T extends { item: infer U } ? Unpack<U> : T; // error: Type instantiation is excessively deep and possibly infinite. type Test = Unpack<InfiniteBox<number>> The above example is intentionally simple and useless, but...
<template> <div> <ul> <li v-for="(item,index) in list" :key="" style="cursor:pointer" @click='remove(index)'> {{}}---{{item.age}} </li> </ul> </div> </template> <script> import { reactive } from 'vue' export default { name: 'App', setup() { int...