假设我们在一个 React 应用中使用 Zustand 管理用户相关的动作。在某些组件中,我们需要排除像 FetchUser 这样的特定动作,不让其被分发。 type AllActions = 'AddUser' | 'UpdateUser' | 'DeleteUser' | 'FetchUser'; type AllowedActions = Exclude<AllActions, 'FetchUser'>; interface UserState { users: ...
import{Canvas,useFrame}from'@react-three/fiber'; import{FC,Suspense,useEffect,useRef,useState}from'react'; import{AnimationAction,AnimationMixer}from'three'; import{GLTF,GLTFLoader}from'three-stdlib'; importcreatefrom'zustand'; import{devtools}from'zustand/middleware'; exportconstuseGLTFModel=create<...
假设我们在一个 React 应用中使用 Zustand 管理用户相关的动作。在某些组件中,我们需要排除像 FetchUser 这样的特定动作,不让其被分发。 typeAllActions ='AddUser'|'UpdateUser'|'DeleteUser'|'FetchUser'; typeAllowedActions = Exclude<AllActions,'FetchUser'>; interface UserState { users: UserProfile[];...
假设我们在一个 React 应用中使用 Zustand 管理用户相关的动作。在某些组件中,我们需要排除像 FetchUser 这样的特定动作,不让其被分发。 代码语言:javascript 复制 type AllActions='AddUser'|'UpdateUser'|'DeleteUser'|'FetchUser';type AllowedActions=Exclude<AllActions,'FetchUser'>;interfaceUserState{users:U...
⚛️ An opinionated React/TypeScript starter template.Tech StackBased on React, Vite TypeScript, of course Ant Design as UI framework TailwindCSS, a utility-first CSS framework pnpm as package manager Sass as CSS preprocessor React Router for routing management Zustand for global state ...
42 zustand 41704 1280 TypeScript 3 🐻 Bear necessities for state management in React 2024-03-26T23:54:38Z 43 nocodb 41698 2737 TypeScript 498 🔥 🔥 🔥 Open Source Airtable Alternative 2024-03-30T02:17:24Z 44 astro 41665 2138 TypeScript 102 The web framework for content...
SetState<EditorStorePatched>, GetState<EditorStorePatched>, Mutate<StoreApi<EditorStorePatched>, [['zustand/subscribeWithSelector', never]]> >(subscribeWithSelector((set) => defaultState)) const updateStoreWithImmer = (fn: (store: EditorStorePatched) => void) => storeHook.setState(produce(...
Vitest - A Vite-native test framework Zustand - A small, fast and scalable bearbones state-management solution something more...Getting startedClone the template repo.degit git@github.com:Lmmmmmm-bb/vite-react-starter.git my-projectInitialize git repository....
🐬 Dolphin Admin React is an open source, lightweight, out-of-the-box, elegant and exquisite, internationalized backend management template based on React + TypeScript + Vite + antd + TailwindCSS. - dolphin-admin/react-admin
Recoilis a state management library developed by Facebook, specifically designed for React applications. By utilizing atoms and selectors, Recoil allows you to efficiently manage state and derived state. Its key benefit is the ability to update components only when the state they're subscribed to ...