import {defineStore} from 'pinia' import axios from 'axios' import {nanoid} from 'nanoid' import {reactive} from 'vue' export const useTalkStore = defineStore('talk',()=>{ // talkList就是state const talkList = reactive( JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('talkList') as string) || [] ...
function (model: DatabaseObject, passport: Passport): void { let opts: any = {} opts.secretOrKey = model.tokenSalt opts.jwtFromRequest =ExtractJwt.fromHeader('token') let strategy =newStrategy(opts,(jwtPayload, done)=>{ model.user.findOne({ _id: jwtPayload._doc._id }).exec() .then...
const port = process.env.PORT; Adding log4js and eslint to Node.JS 1) npm install log4js 2) in index.ts file: import log4js from 'log4js'; ... const logger = log4js.getLogger(); logger.level = process.env.LOG_LEVEL; ... 4) in .env file...
User Information View Model To enhance the development process of a single-page application, I like to use ES6 classes with strongly typed TypeScript properties and using a constructor to initialize the values of each property of the class. The combination of ES6 classes and TypeScript makes the...
Sure, you might argue that unit and integration tests will prevent regressions, but if those tests find themselves coupled and dependent upon implementation details to which they should be agnostic, they too will likely break in the process. ...
seq2seq-couplet Play couplet with seq2seq model. 用深度学习对对联。 py12306 🚂 12306 购票助手,支持集群,多账号,多任务购票以及 Web 页面管理 dumb-init A minimal init system for Linux containers supervisor Supervisor process control system for UNIX word-statistics-cet4 12年36套四级真题试卷的...
includes(process.env.NODE_ENV) // externals const externals = { vue: 'Vue', 'vue-router': 'VueRouter', vuex: 'Vuex', vant: 'vant', axios: 'axios' } // CDN外链,会插入到index.html中 const cdn = { // 开发环境 dev: { css: [], js: [] }, // 生产环境 build: { css: ['...
基于Vue3+TypeScript+ Vue-Cli4.0 + vant ui + sass+ rem 适配方案+axios 封装 + jssdk 配置 + vconsole 移动端调试,构建手机端模板脚手架 项目地址:[github](ynzy/vue3-h5-template) [查看 demo](生产) 建议手机端查看 ### Node 版本要求