import { fileURLToPath, URL } from "node:url"; import { defineConfig, loadEnv } from "vite"; import vue from "@vitejs/plugin-vue"; // export default ({ mode }) => { const env = loadEnv(mode, process.cwd(), ""); return defineConfig({ define: {...
🐛 bug report This is on parcel@latest I've winnowed this down as much as possible (see attached ZIP archive) I know you have to reference a specific property on process.env for it to work properly. :-) 🎛 Configuration (.babelrc, package...
我个人用已经跟 tsx 感觉没太大差别了。配套的有vue-tsc可以做命令行检查。
From the beginning, 🐊Putout developed with ability to split the main process into two concepts: find (find places that could be fixed) and fix (apply the fixes to the files). It is therefore easy to find sections that could be fixed. In the following example redundant variables are ...
This did prompt a question of whether we should start performing any minification on our outputs. As tempting as it was, this would complicate our build process, make stack trace analysis harder, and force us to ship with source maps (or find a source map host, kind of like what asymbol...
Thedefermethod is similar in many ways to thedeferkeyword inGo,Swift,Zig,Odin, and others, where the conventions should be similar. Because this feature is so recent, most runtimes will not support it natively. To use it, you will need runtime polyfills for the following: ...
1055 错误 Type '{0}' is not a valid async function return type in ES5/ES3 because it does not refer to a Promise-compatible constructor value. 类型“{0}”不是有效的异步函数返回类型。1056 错误 Accessors are only available when targeting ECMAScript 5 and higher. 访问器仅在面向 ECMAScript ...
*/[x:string]:any;}functionprocessOptions(opts:Options){// Notice we're *intentionally* accessing `excludes`, not `exclude`if(opts.excludes){console.error("The option `excludes` is not valid. Did you mean `exclude`?");}} 为了这些情况更简单,不久前,TypeScript 允许当一个类型有一个字符串...
importVuefrom'vue'importComponentfrom'vue-class-component'@ComponentexportdefaultclassAboutextendsVue{// `message` will not be reactive valuemessage=undefined} 为了避免这种情况,您可以使用nullvalue或使用datahook来代替: 代码语言:javascript 复制 importVuefrom'vue'importComponentfrom'vue-class-component'@Compo...
Omits lack of key constraint is intentional. Many use cases for this type do not obey that constraint, e.g.: typeMySpread<T1,T2>=T2&Omit<T1,keyofT2>;typeX=MySpread<{a:string,b:number},{b:string,c:boolean}>;letx:X={a:"",b:"",c:true}; ...