在这种情况下,括号的使用是不必要的。只有当涉及到改变操作符的优先级时才需要。阅读更多关于operator ...
Disallowed Nullish and Truthy Checks Maybe you've written a regex and forgotten to call on it: or maybe you've accidentally written (which creates an arrow function) instead of (the greater-than-or-equal-to operator): or maybe you've tried to use a default value with , but mixed up th...
You might read this signature and think that makePerson obviously takes an object with a name property with the type string and an age property with the type number; however, JavaScript’s destructuring syntax is actually taking precedence here. makePerson does say that it’s going to take an...
or maybe you’ve accidentally written=>(which creates an arrow function) instead of>=(the greater-than-or-equal-to operator): Copy if(x=>0) {// Oops! This block always runs.// ...} or maybe you’ve tried to use a default value with??, but mixed up the precedence of??and a ...
g ** (q-1n) % p太大,因为仅在最后进行对p的约简,并且g ** (q-1n)对于作为BigInt的标准...
{ OktaAuthService } from './okta.service'; import 'rxjs/add/operator/map'; import 'rxjs/add/operator/catch'; @Injectable() export class OktaAuthInterceptor implements HttpInterceptor { constructor(private oktaService: OktaAuthService) { } intercept(request: HttpRequest<any>, next: HttpHandler)...
eslint-plugin:[no-unused-vars] handle comma operator for assignments, treat for-of the same as for-in (#9326) eslint-plugin:[no-unused-vars] report if var used only in typeof (#9330) eslint-plugin:[return-await] add return-await to strict-type-checked preset (#9604) ...
eslint-plugin: [non-nullable-type-assertion-style] consider operator precedence when fixing (#7289) (bad37a2) eslint-plugin: [strict-boolean-expressions] replace dangerous fixer with suggestions (#7394) (ad8401a) typescript-estree: support declare and export modifiers for nested namespace ...
optional chaining operator. If you use "target": "esnext", then the following TypeScript syntax: const bar: string | undefined = foo?.bar; will compile into this JavaScript: const a = foo?.bar; When you try to run this code, node 12 will throw a SyntaxError. To fix this, you must...
g ** (q-1n) % p太大,因为仅在最后进行对p的约简,并且g ** (q-1n)对于作为BigInt的标准...