}try{constdata = cjson.load(packageJsonFile); logger.debug("> [functions] package.json contents:",JSON.stringify(data,null,2));constindexJsFile = path.join(sourceDir, data.main ||"index.js");if(!fsutils.fileExistsSync(indexJsFile)) {constmsg =`${path.relative( projectDir, indexJsFile ...
path:__dirname+"/dist"},// 打开 sourcemaps 调试 webpack 的输出devtool:"source-map",resolve:{extensions:[".ts",".tsx",".js",".json",".html"]},module:{rules:[// '.ts' or '.tsx' 后缀的文件将被 loadr 'awesome-typescript-loader' 处理。{test:/\.tsx?$/,loader...
You can load/insert/update/remove and perform other operations with them.Let's make our Photo model an entity:import { Entity } from "typeorm" @Entity() export class Photo { id: number name: string description: string filename: string views: number isPublished: boolean }...
Set up a new TypeScript project in Visual Studio Code, generate a tsconfig.json file, compile TypeScript to JavaScript, and add an HTML file to test the JavaScript code.
ExecuteRun Build Task(⇧⌘B(Windows, LinuxCtrl+Shift+B)) from the globalTerminalmenu. If you created atsconfig.jsonfile in the earlier section, this should present the following picker: Select thetsc: buildentry. This will produce aHelloWorld.jsandHelloWorld.js.mapfile in the workspace. ...
对于ts官方模式来说,ts编译器就是tsc(安装typescript就可以获得),而编译器所需的配置就是tsconfig.json配置文件形式或其他形式。ts源代码经过tsc的编译(Compile),就可以生成js代码,在tsc编译的过程中,需要编译配置来确定一些编译过程中要处理的内容。 我们首先准备一个ts-demo,该demo中有如下的结构: ...
--resolvePackageJsonExports:强制 TypeScript 在从 node_modules 中读取包时查询 package.json 文件的导出字段。 --resolvePackageJsonImports:强制 TypeScript 在执行以 # 开头的查找时查询 package.json 文件的导入字段。 --allowArbitraryExtensions:允许通过查找 {file basename}.d.{extension}.ts 形式的声明文件来...
As a result, you may begin to see errors like the following based on entries in your tsconfig.json‘s types option or /// <reference > directives Copy error TS2688: Cannot find type definition file for 'node'. error TS2688: Cannot find type definition file for 'mocha'. error TS2688:...
All TypeScript files can be loaded using their pathrelative to the tsconfig.json filewith theExecuteModulefunction (e.g., as shown earlier withmain.mts). If you create a TypeScript file with a path relative to thetsconfiglike./lib/sub.mts, you can load it usingExecuteModule('./lib/sub...
修改package.json文件中的script脚本, 如下: "scripts":{"build":"tsc","watch":"tsc -w","start":"npm run build && electron ./dist/main.js"}, 可以看到, 主要修改有3处: 添加build脚本, 内容为"tsc". 即在当前目录运行tsc命令, 而tsc命令会依据刚才创建的tsconfig.json配置文件进行编译. ...