当我们忘记使用export关键字从文件中导出值或 IDE 故障时,会出现错误“File is not a module”。 要解决此错误,确保将我们尝试导入的值导出到其他文件中,并在必要时重写导入路径并重新启动 IDE。 这是错误发生方式的示例。 这是一个名为another-file.ts的文件。 another-file.ts // 👇️ forgot to export...
// 👇️ forgot to exportfunctionsum(a:number,b:number){returna+b;} And here is a file calledindex.tsthat tries to import fromanother-file.ts. index.ts // ⛔️ File is not a module.ts(2306)import{sum}from'./another-file';console.log(sum(50,50)); The fileanother-file.tsis...
When trying to use it with typescript I am seeing ai.module.d.ts not a module error when using both. @types/applicationinsights-js and ai.module.d.ts If I do not install @types/applicationinsights-js ts tells me to install it saying type...
1<template>2<svg3class="NuxtLogo"4>5</svg>6</template>7<style>8.NuxtLogo {9margin: auto;10}11</style> 在page/index.vue 文件中引入 `import Logo from '~/components/Logo.vue';` 会报错:`File 'xxx/components/Logo.vue' is not a module. Vetur(2306)`。 typescript 提示新增vue-shims....
在page/index.vue 文件中引入 `import Logo from '~/components/Logo.vue';` 会报错:`File 'xxx/components/Logo.vue' is not a module. Vetur(2306)`。 typescript 提示新增vue-shims.d.ts(https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript-Vue-Starter#single-file-components),试过还是不行。
我设法让代码编译没有任何错误,但当它在浏览器中执行时,我得到了以下错误: TypeError: i.Chess is not a constructor 下面是不起作用的typescript代码: import{Chess} from 'chess.js'; const board = new Chess(); chess. 浏览38提问于2019-08-29得票数 0 1回答 为typescript定义npm react模块的类型 、...
Error: %1 is not a valid Win32 application. \\?\E:\ionic_app\tutorial\node_modules\node-sass\vendor\win32-x64-57\binding.nod e 在网上谷歌了答案,每次有问题用百度永远找不到答案,推荐谷歌。牛牛的...这不是崇洋媚外,这是事实啊! 5.
interfacePerson{readonlyname:string;age: number;}constjohn: Readonly<Person> = { name:'John', age:30};john.age =31;// Error: Cannot assign to 'age' because it is a read-only property. 在此示例中,age 属性可以修改,但 name 属性是只...
It is designed to add type safety to JavaScript while conforming as closely as possible to the syntax and semantics of the ECMAScript standard. It is a syntactical superset of the JavaScript programming language; all valid JavaScript source code is also valid TypeScript source code, but not ...
}module.exports= { createSourceFile, createProgram, }; Putting these declarations in the same scope is typically a win simply because it avoids adding boilerplate code to simulate scopes in a single file – lots of those scope setups and teardowns can be completely eliminated. But because sco...