从文件A中导出函数,例如export function sum() {}。 将文件B中的函数导入为import { sum } from './another-file'。 使用文件B中的导入函数。 下面是从名为another-file.ts的文件导出函数的示例。 another-file.ts // 👇️ named exportexportfunctionsum(a:number, b:number){returna + b; }// (...
Using the Person type in the app.ts file is also straightforward—you just need to import the Person type from the person.ts file and construct one using the keyword new:JavaScript Copy import { Person } from './Person'; let ted = new Person("Ted", "Neward...
import {reallyReallyLongModuleMemberName as shortName} from 'my-module'; import {reallyReallyLongModuleMemberName as shortName, anotherLongModuleName as short} from 'my-module'; 将整个模块座位附加功能导入, 但是不导入模块的额导出成员 import 'my-module'; 导入模块的默认导出: import myDefault from ...
// Exporting the class which used in another file // export keyword used to Export the module exportclassGFG{ StringConcat(banner){ return"Welcome to "+banner; } } Module2.ts实现 // Importing the module // from the location of the file. import{GFG}from"./Module1"; letobj1=newGFG()...
import tss = TypeScriptSample; ... var cs:tss.CustomerShort; TypeScript Is Flexible About Data Typing All this should look familiar if you’re a C# programmer, except perhaps the reversal of variable declarations (variable name first, data type second) and object literals. However, virtually ...
JavaScript 複製 import log from './log'; // ... Code as before class Manager extends NormalPerson { constructor(fn: string, ln: string) { super(fn, ln); } @log() greet() : string { return this.fullName + " says let's dialogue about common synergies!"; } } ...
import { Entity, Column, PrimaryColumn } from "typeorm" @Entity() export class Photo { @PrimaryColumn() id: number @Column() name: string @Column() description: string @Column() filename: string @Column() views: number @Column() isPublished: boolean }...
TypeScript Version: 3.5.2 I use JSDoc type definitions in my JavaScript and use checkjs in VSCode to have TypeScript type check my JavaScript live. This generally works very well. However I have noticed one failure. TypeScript fails to p...
// util.tsexportletone ="1";exportlettwo ="2";// add.tsimport{ one, two }from"./util";exportfunctionadd() {returnone + two; } Even if the only thing we want to do is generateadd.d.ts, TypeScript needs to crawl into another imported file (util.ts), infer that the type ofon...
Internal modules contain code declared in the current file, and you must import external modules by adding ///<reference path=‘path/reference-file.ts’ /> to the top of the current code file. You can declare modules with the module keyword and need only curly brackets to close. A Type...