else { return token = SyntaxKind.ShebangTrivia; } } switch (ch) { case CharacterCodes.lineFeed: case CharacterCodes.carriageReturn: precedingLineBreak = true; if (skipTrivia) { pos++; continue; } else { if (ch === CharacterCodes.carriageReturn && pos + 1 < end && text.charCodeAt(pos...
One common pain-point was that these narrowed types weren’t always preserved within function closures. Copy function getUrls(url: string | URL, names: string[]) { if (typeof url === "string") { url = new URL(url); } return names.map(name => { url.searchParams.set("name", name...
functiongetName(n){if(typeofn==='string'){returnn;}else{returnn();}} 如果我们要给这个n进行类型注解,那么它应该同时是string | () => string,是string类型和() => string函数类型的联合类型,有过一定开发经验的同学可能会发觉,这样写可能很影响原代码的可读性,而且这个n的类型可能会变化,因为我们的...
function test1() { return 1; return 2; // error here } function test2(x) { if (x) { return 1; } else { throw new Error("NYI") } var y = 1; // error here } check if label is unused (enabled by default, can be disabled via allowUnusedLabels compiler option) l: // error...
Bazel expects that each output is produced by a single rule. Thus if you have twots_projectrules with overlapping sources (the same.tsfile appears in more than one) then you get an error about conflicting.jsoutput files if you try to build both together. Worse, if you build them separate...
One subtle but incredibly useful benefit of project references is logically being able to map your input source to its outputs. If you’ve ever tried to share TypeScript code between the client and server of your application, you might have run into problems controlling the output structure. Fo...
if(curTick > START_TICK && curTick %20===0) {// no terracotta exists, and we're waiting to spawn a new one.if(spawnCountdown >0) { spawnCountdown--;if(spawnCountdown <=0) { spawnNewTerracotta(); } }else{ checkForTerracotta(); } } ...
{uri,range});}if(result.length===0){// 无definition结果,提示没找到定义if(this._configuration.showMessage){constinfo=model.getWordAtPosition(pos);MessageController.get(editor).showMessage(this._getNoResultFoundMessage(info),pos);}}elseif(result.length===1&&idxOfCurrent!==-1){// 只有1条...
export function createPerson( firstName: string, lastName: string, occupation: string) : Person { if (occupation == "Programmer") return new Programmer(firstName, lastName); else if (occupation == "Manager") return new Manager(firstName, lastName); else return new ...