Get the props forinput, we can usingReact.ComponentProps<"input"> Improve:(props: InputProps) => JSX.ElementtoReact.FC<InputProps> constCOMPONENTS={text:(props)=>{return<input{...props}type="text"/>;},number:(props)=>{return<input{...props}type="number"/>;},password:(props)=>{re...
Get props type from a Component constSubmitButton=(props:{onClick:()=>void})=>{return<button onClick={props.onClick}>Submit</button>;};typeSubmitButtonProps=ComponentProps<typeofSubmitButton>; With Ref: Refs in React let you access and interact with the properties of an element. Often, i...
The end game is to create a Laravel Data Object that holds all the props of the page Component so the controller action should look like that: publicfunctionshow(Department$department):Response{returninertia('DepartmentShow',newDepartmentShowData($department)); } ...
React.ComponentProps<typeof XXX>Gets Props type of a specified component XXX (WARNING: does not work with statically declared default props and generic props)type MyComponentProps = React.ComponentProps<typeof MyComponent>;React.ReactElement | JSX.Element...
:React.CSSProperties;// ✅ 推荐 在内联 style 时使用// ✅ 推荐原生 button 标签自带的所有 props 类型// 也可以在泛型的位置传入组件 提取组件的 Props 类型props:React.ComponentProps<"button">;// ✅ 推荐 利用上一步的做法 再进一步的提取出原生的 onClick 函数类型// 此时函数的第一个参数会...
第一种:也是比较推荐的一种,使用React.FunctionComponent,简写形式:React.FC: // Great type AppProps = { message: string } const App: React.FC<AppProps> = ({ message, children }) => ( <div> {message} {children} </div> ) 复制代码 ...
: WrappedFormUtils; } class CreateProject extends Component<CreateProjectProps, any> { render() { const { form: { getFieldDecorator } } = this.props; return ( <Form> <FormItem label="名称"> {getFieldDecorator('name', { rules: [ { required: true, message: 'Please input your username...