接着打开你的vscode,按下F5,或者左侧面板中点击debug面板按钮 debug 创建一个launch.json文件 create launch.json 在弹出来的下拉框中选择TS Debug,这个可以快捷的帮你生成ts debug需要的字段。 ts debug ts debug create launch.json 如果你的vscode中没有这个选项,你可以先安装拓展 typescript debug extension 但...
dotenv vscode extension showing syntax highlight on an .env.example file 3. Prettier Prettier is a code formatter and enforces a consistent style that you’ve preconfigured in your project. Having a consistent style can greatly benefit team productivity since PR’s can focus on the code itse...
directly when triggeringRun Build Task(⇧⌘B(Windows, LinuxCtrl+Shift+B)). To do so, selectConfigure Default Build Taskfrom the globalTerminalmenu. This shows you a picker with the available build tasks. Select TypeScripttsc: build, which generates the followingtasks.jsonfile in a.vscode...
Unable to log remote console arguments Output omitted for an object that cannot be inspected (Error: [sxei.vscode-plugin-demo]: Proposed API is only available when running out of dev or with the following command line switch: —enable-proposed-api sxei.vscode-plugin-demo) 这里只能看成是新窗...
对于我们实现的 plugin 来说,目前并不需要一些额外的交互(例如:VSCode 中的配置项等),因此我们只需要在package.json中补充需要的信息(如name,icon等)即可完成 extension 的开发。可以在这里看到完整配置。 构建与发布则可以参考官方文档:publishing-extension,为了更好的体验,我们还可以指定vscodeignore以忽略不必要的文...
TypeScript and JavaScript Language Features extension in VSC, Built-in extension v 1.0.0. The JS/TS language service crashed 5 times in the last 5 Minutes. This issue happened when i did the update in this version 1.95.1 and it happens every 5 minutes. I need to do Reload Window when...
"extensionName": ".css", // 编译后缀名 "savePath": "~/../css" // 编译之后的路径 相对路径 } ], "liveSassCompilce.settings.excludeList": ["**/node_modules**", ".vscode/**"], 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 不知道编译格式可以看这里,配置完成后,别忘记了开启编辑器右下加的watch...
version. To install a specific version provide'@${version}'. For example:'vscode.csharp@1.2.3'. --pre-release Installs the pre-release version of the extension, when using --install-extension --uninstall-extension <ext-id> Uninstalls an extension. ...
步骤中配置launch.json中的"url": "http://localhost:7456/",通过Creator预览生成url,多开时端口不一样。 调试时Creator必须开着 喜欢在Chrome中调试的忽喷! 把上述launch.json和tasks.json拷贝到安装路径 \resources\utils\vscode-extension\debugger 就可以更新默认的模板,然后可以从Creator菜单中更新工程配置...
vscode.window.showInformationMessage(`Document contains: ${countWords(text)} words`);The code will first check to see if there is an active document. If there isn’t, then it will fail to read the text. If there is an extension that throws an exception, it doesn’t crash VS Code, bu...