classTempFileimplementsDisposable{#path: string;#handle: number;constructor(path:string) {this.#path = path;this.#handle = fs.openSync(path, "w+");}// other methods[Symbol.dispose]() {// Close the file and delete it.fs.closeSync(this.#handle);fs.unlinkSync(this.#path);} } Later on ...
//自定义错误类型 class InvaliDateFromateError3 extends RangeError{} class DateIsInTheFutureError3 extends RangeError{} function parse3(birthday:string):Date{ let date = new Date(birthday) if(!isValid(date)) { throw new InvaliDateFromateError3('enter is a date in th form yyyy/mm/dd') } ...
而interface可以extends class,此时的class承担类型的角色 interfaceChineseextendsHuman{country: string; } 那么interface能不能extends enum或者type alias呢,这两个兄弟也声明了type啊,答案是不行的,官方报错的信息: Aninterface can only extend anobjecttypeorintersectionofobjecttypeswithstaticallyknownmembers. interfac...
constructor(public name: string) { } } interface Loggable { log(name: string): void; } class ConsoleLogger implements Loggable { log(name) { console.log(`Hello, I'm ${name}.`); } } const jim = extend(new Person('Jim'), ConsoleLogger.prototype); jim.log(; 1. 2. 3....
`); } } class ElectricCar implements ElectricVehicle { brand: string; constructor(brand: string) { this.brand = brand; } start() { console.log(`${this.brand} started.`); } charge() { console.log(`${this.brand} charged.`); } } // Error: Classes can only extend a single class...
2499 错误 An interface can only extend an identifier/qualified-name with optional type arguments. 接口只能扩展具有可选类型参数的标识符/限定名称。2500 错误 A class can only implement an identifier/qualified-name with optional type arguments. 类只能实现具有可选类型参数的标识符/限定名称。2501 错误 A...
Extend request type using req.body, req.params, and req.query Error handling with extended request types Create a custom error class Type guards Integrating with error handling middleware Testing the extended Request Advanced integration techniques express-validator body-parser See how LogRocke...
2311 错误 A class may only extend another class. 类只能扩展其他类。 2312 错误 An interface may only extend a class or another interface. 接口只能扩展类或其他接口。 2313 错误 Type parameter '{0}' has a circular constraint. Type parameter '{0}' has a circular constraint. ...
是指在使用TypeScript编写代码时,定义了一个接口并在接口中设置了字段,但在使用该接口的地方却提示该字段未定义的错误。 这种情况通常发生在以下几种情况下: 1. 接口定义与实际使用不一致:可...
classPerson{ #__name: string; get name() { return this.#__name; }setname(value:string){ this.#__name = name; }constructor(name:string){ = name; }} You canread up more about the auto-accessors pull request on the original PR. ...