// "allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true, /* Allow 'import x from y' when a module doesn't have a default export. */ "esModuleInterop": true, /* Emit additional JavaScript to ease support for importing CommonJS modules. This enables 'allowSyntheticDefaultImports' for type compatibility. */ ...
import great from "@/greet"; export default { great, }; 需要注意如果某些规则集没有对应的eslint-config-prettier关闭配置,那么可以先通过CLI helper tool检测是否有重复的格式规则集在生效,然后可以通过手动配置eslintrc.js的形式进行关闭: PS C:\Code\Git\algorithms> npx eslint --print-config src/index...
parameters, and functions, and the TypeScripttype-checkercan help catch issues like typos, missing properties, and bad function calls before we even run our code. Types also power TypeScript’s editor tooling
This is useful if you are mixing multiple chained refinements and transformations: const schema = z .object({ first: z.string(), second: z.number(), }) .nullable() .superRefine((arg, ctx): arg is { first: string; second: number } => { if (!arg) { ctx.addIssue({ code: z....
const unused = 5; export default function() { return promise(); } async function promise(a) { return Promise.reject(Error('x')); }So in case of src directory, it will look like:putout src --disable-all && putout src --enable nodejs/convert-commonjs-to-esm && putout src --fix...
{return process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development'}export default {input: "./src/main.ts",output: {file: path.resolve(__dirname, './lib/index.js'),format: "umd",sourcemap: true},plugins: [ts(),terser({compress: {drop_console: !isDev()}}),repacle({'process.env.NODE_ENV': JSON....
export default class VNode { tag: string | void; data: VNodeData | void; children: ?Array<VNode>; text: string | void; elm: Node | void; ns: string | void; context: Component | void; // rendered in this component's scope key: string | number | void; componentOptions: VNodeCompone...
exportfunctioncreateProgram(/*...*/){/*...*/} }// user.ts// Can easily access both functions from 'ts'.constsourceFile = ts.createSourceFile(/*...*/);constprogram = ts.createProgram(/*...*/); It was also easy for us to reference exports across files at a time when auto-impor...
While interfaces in TypeScript are excellent for defining the shape of objects, they cannot directly specify default values for properties. However, we can use a combination of optional properties and factory functions to achieve a similar effect....
That’s why TypeScript 4.4 intentionally discards the this value when calling imported functions, by using the following emit. Copy // Imagine this is our imported module, and it has an export named 'foo'. let fooModule = { foo() { console.log(this); } }; // Notice we're actually...