packages/eslint-plugin/src/rules/no-invalid-void-type.ts Comment on lines +227 to +232 const id = nullThrows(, 'This may be null if and only if the parent is an `ExportDefaultDeclaration`.', ); return; Member JoshuaKGoldberg Dec 14, 2024 Choose a rea...
:sparkles: Monorepo for all the tooling which enables ESLint to support TypeScript - chore(eslint-plugin): [no-invalid-void-type] fix `Options` typing to …· typescript-eslint/typescript-eslint@1d7447f
1、关闭eslint 直接注释掉package.json文件中eslint的配置就可以了(以下是vue-cli的默认配置) "eslintConfig": { "root": true,///此项是用来告诉eslint找当前配置文件不能往父级查找 "env": { "node": true//此项指定环境的全局变量,下面的配置指定为node环境 }, "extends": [// 此项是用来配置vue...
1. 安装eslint:$ npm install eslint –save-dev 2. 使用eslint –init生成一个配置文件 { <!--环境定义了预定义的全局变量--> "env": { <!--浏览器的全局变量--> "browser": true, <!--添加所有的 Jasmine 版本 1.3 和 2.0 的测试全局变量。--> <!--Jasmine 是一款 JavaScript 测试框架,它不...
npm install --save-dev eslint @typescript-eslint/parser @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin module.exports = { "env": { "browser": true, "node": true }, "globals": { "appTool": true, "require": true, "$": true, "ant": true }, "parser": '@typescript-eslint/parser', "plugi...
关于@typescript-eslint/r规则中的invalid type "any" of template literal expression错误 在TypeScript项目中,使用ESLint进行代码质量检查时,可能会遇到@typescript-eslint/restrict-template-expressions(可能你的问题中提到的@typescript-eslint/r是对这个规则的简写或者误解)规则抛出的错误,指出模板字面量表达式中的...
Similar results can be achieved by enabling the ESLintno-constant-binary-expressionrule, and you cansee some of the results they achieved in their blog post; but the new checks TypeScript performs does not have perfect overlap with the ESLint rule, and we also believe there is a lot of ...
{ "before":false, "after":true}],//控制逗号在行尾出现还是在行首出现//"comma-style": [2, "last"],//圈复杂度"complexity": [2,9],//以方括号取对象属性时,[ 后面和 ] 前面是否需要空格, 可选参数 never, always"computed-property-spacing": [2,...
eslint-plugin: [no-base-to-string] don't crash for recursive array or tuple types (#10633) eslint-plugin: [no-duplicate-enum-values] handle template literal (#10675) eslint-plugin-internal: [debug-namespace] on windows (#10661) rule-tester: handle window root path (#10654) scope-man...
typescript/no-inferrable-types 🍀 typescript/no-invalid-this typescript/no-invalid-void-type 🍀 typescript/no-loop-func https...