例如,我们可以使用索引签名来定义一个可以动态添加属性的对象: interfaceDynamicObject{ [key:string]:any; }constobj:DynamicObject= { }; obj.name="John"; obj.age=30;console.log(obj);// 输出:{ name: 'John', age: 30 } 在这个例子中,我们定义了一个名为DynamicObject的接口,它具有一个索引签名[k...
[key: string]: any; } const obj: DynamicObject = {}; obj.foo = 'bar'; obj.num = 123; console.log(obj.foo); // 输出: bar console.log(obj.num); // 输出: 123 在上述代码中,我们定义了一个名为DynamicObject的接口,它具有动态属性。接口中的[key: string]: any表示可以添加任意名称...
interface DynamicObject { [key: string]: any; } 上述代码中,DynamicObject接口定义了一个动态对象,它的属性名是字符串类型,属性值可以是任意类型。 使用动态联合类型时,可以根据实际需求来确定属性的名称和类型。例如,如果我们想要定义一个包含姓名和年龄的动态对象,可以这样写: ...
我们可以这样定义它的类型: interfaceDynamicObject{ [key:string]:string; } 现在,我们可以创建一个DynamicObject实例,并为其动态添加属性,而不会触发类型错误: constobj:DynamicObject= { }; obj.name="John"; obj["age"] ="30"; 优缺点分析 这种方法的优点在于简单易用,适用于快速原型开发或者在类型不太重...
const ItemType = string | number | object | array | null;// ✅ Array<any> / any[]typeItemType=string|number|object|Array<any> |null;// type ItemType = string | number | object | any[] | null// interface Array<T>interfaceObjectInterface{// dynamic key type[key:string]:ItemType...
interface SomeObject { [key: string]: valueType; } 其中,key是一个变量名,表示属性名;valueType表示该属性对应的值的类型。 例如,我们可以创建一个拥有字符串索引签名的对象类型: interface Person { name: string; age: number; [key: string]: string | number; ...
.id// ['prop']: any;[key:string]:any;// typescript object dynamic key type// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39256682/how-to-define-an-interface-for-objects-with-dynamic-keys// https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/2/objects.html#index-signatures// [key: string]// https:...
newObj[getterKey]= () =>obj[key]; }returnnewObj; } type PropGetters<T> ={ } Get an error: This is because `T` can be any as well. We need to limit T type by telling that `T` can be only for Object: function createGetterObject<T extendsRecord<string, any>>(obj: T): Prop...
val && typeof val === "object" && "x" in val && "y" in val && typeof val.x === "number" && typeof val.y === "number"; } } function f(value: unknown) { if (value instanceof Point) { // Can access both of these - correct! value.x; value.y; // Can't access ...
A naive bundler might always create a function to establish scope for every module, and place exports on a single object. It might look something like the following: Copy // Runtime helpers for bundle:functionregister(moduleName,module) {/*...*/}functioncustomRequire(moduleName) {/*...*/...