1) #define宏定义有一个特别的长处:可以使用 #ifdef ,#ifndef等来进行逻辑判断,还可以使用#undef来取消定义。 2) typedef也有一个特别的长处:它符合范围规则,使用typedef定义的变量类型其作用范围限制在所定义的函数或者文件内(取决于此变量定义的位置),而宏定义则没有这种特性。 4、别人总结的用途: 用途一: 定...
此外,象 std::string 和 std::ofstream 这样的 typedef 还隐 藏了长长的,难以理解的模板特化语法,例如:basic_string<char, char_traits<char>, allocator<char>> 和 basic_ofstream<char, char_traits< char>>。 注1:注意typedef 与define 的区别 typdef kkk int * kkk a,b 则a,b 类型相同 define kkk ...
"p1", {value:"v1",writable:true,// 可写(默认值为 false)enumerable:true// 可枚举(默认值为 false)});Object.defineProperties(o5, {'p2': {value:"v2",writable:true,// 可写(默认值为 false)enumerable:false// 可枚举(默认值为 false)},'p3': {value:"v3",...
import"reflect-metadata";constformat:(formatter:string)=>PropertyDecorator=(formatter)=>{return(target:Object,propertyKey:string|symbol)=>{Reflect.defineMetadata(propertyKey,formatter,target)}}classGreeter{@format("Hello, %s")greeting:string;constructor(message:string){this.greeting=message;}greet(){let...
amd) { define(["libName"], factory); } else if (typeof module === "object" && module.exports) { module.exports = factory(require("libName")); } else { root.returnExports = factory(root.libName); } }(this, function (b) { 如果你在库的源码里看到了typeof define,typeof window,...
As far as I am concerned, I subconsciously define the object asobject. I am lucky to compile and pass (happy😄). I am almost lucky. There is also a hint to repair the vscode. One-click repair is also an excellent memory. However, we are not the ones who are not responsible after...
1define(["require", "exports", "./Utils"],function(require, exports, utils) {2"use strict";3Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value:true});4console.log(utils.version);5varobj =newutils.Utils("Li Lei");6obj.sayHi();7}); ...
装饰器的实现使用了ES5的 Object.defineProperty 方法,这三个参数也和这个方法的参数一致。装饰器的本质就是一个函数语法糖,通过Object.defineProperty来修改类中一些属性,descriptor参数也是一个对象,是针对key属性的描述符,里面有控制目标对象的该属性是否可写的writable属性等。
Much of the time, a simple type alias to an object type acts very similarly to an interface. interfaceFoo{prop:string}typeBar={prop:string}; However, and as soon as you need to compose two or more types, you have the option of extending those types with an interface, or intersecting ...
TypeScript’s auto-imports feature previously did not consider paths inimportswhich could be frustrating. Instead, users might have to manually definepathsin theirtsconfig.json. However, thanks to a contribution fromEmma Hamilton,TypeScript’s auto-imports now support subpath imports!