使用es6时,需要使用export导出,而不是exports导出。exports是一个common js功能,主要用于node而不是web...
Most Typescript uses ESM syntax, but actually builds to CommonJS. So if your Typescript code looks like the second and think ‘I’m good’, make sure you also take a look at the built Javascript code to see what you actually use. Why support ESM The general vibe is that ESM is goin...
这确保了 NodeJS 可以正确的判定.js是CommonJS还是ESM。 tsc--modulecommonjs--outDircjs/echo'{"type": "commonjs"}'>cjs/package.jsontsc--moduleesnext--outDiresmecho'{"type": "module"}'>esm/package.json 后记 ESM确实有许多令人眼前一亮的特性,但是目前依旧有许多工程性的问题需要解决(例如 Types...
ESM and CommonJS support. Produced code is performant, flexible, clean, and maintainable. Follows all possible best practices. CLI.And more...With TypeORM your models look like this:import { Entity, PrimaryGeneratedColumn, Column } from "typeorm" @Entity() export class User { @PrimaryGenerated...
<anonymous> (/Users/xx/WebstormProjects/xx/src/StakeTest.js:16:26) { code: 'ERR_REQUIRE_ESM' } 瞎分析 大致意思应该是,我所依赖的包,只支持ES,但是我却使用 require 导入,require 只在 commonJs 支持,所以报错了。 我看了下编译后的 js 文件里面确实用的 require,那么问题就是如何让编译后的文件...
Supports Node.js v12.16.2+ Handlesnode:import prefixes Resolvestsconfig.jsonpaths Protip:use withesm-loaderortsx cjs-loaderonly transforms CommonJS modules (.cjs/.ctsor.jsfiles incommonjstype packages). To hook intoimport()calls or ES modules (.mjs/.mtsextensions or.jsfiles inmoduletype packag...
特别的,可能因为类型系统的复杂性所导致的成本,TS 对于 JS 新 proposal 的支持是比较保守的,一般都...
supported different module formats (e.g. CommonJS, ESM, hacky IIFEs that conditionally set globals…) provided good scope hoisting and tree shaking support was easy to configure was fast There are several options here that might have been equally good; but in the end we went with esbuild and...
want to have your library used by multiple projects in your organization — one is an old Node.js project built for CJS target, and another one is a modern and fancy browser application. Most likely, if you try to import the ESM bundle into the Node.js project, it won’t compile...
我们实现了新的装饰器标准,在Node和打包工具中添加了更好支持ESM项目的功能,为库作者提供了控制泛型推断的新方式,扩展了我们的JSDoc功能,简化了配置,并进行了许多其他改进。 如果你还不熟悉 TypeScript,TypeScript 是在 JavaScript 之上添加了类型的一个编程语言。类型帮助你标记代码的变量和函数的种类。TypeScript ...