inline SourceMap会包含在生成的js文件中 "declarationMap": true, // 为声明文件生成sourceMap "typeRoots": [], // 声明文件目录,默认时node_modules/@types "types": [], // 加载的声明文件包 "removeComments":true, // 删除注释 "noEmit": true, // 不输出文件,即编译后不会生成任何js文件 "...
console.log( function( item, index, array ){ console.log(item);returnitem >3; })); 打印出来的结果是:1,2,3,4,5,6函数返回结果: [false,false,false,true,true,true] filter 同样返回一个新的数组,但是返回的是符合条件的数组项,同样不会跳出循环 vararr = [1,2,3,4,5,6]; con...
value); } catch (error) { e = { error: error }; } finally { try { if (r && !r.done && (m = i["return"])); } finally { if (e) throw e.error; } } return ar; }; var digits = new Map([ [0, "zero"], [1, "one"], [2, "two"], [3, "three"]...
this would complicate our build process, make stack trace analysis harder, and force us to ship with source maps (or find a source map host, kind of like what asymbol serverdoes for debug information).
// 允许编译 javascript 文件"checkJs":true,// 报告 javascript 文件中的错误"jsx":"preserve",// 指定 jsx 代码的生成: 'preserve', 'react-native', or 'react'"declaration":true,// 生成相应的 '.d.ts' 文件"sourceMap":true,// 生成相应的 '.map' 文件"outFile":"./",// 将输出文件合并为...
16、什么是 .map 文件,为什么/如何使用它? 甲.map文件是源地图,显示原始打字稿代码是如何解释成可用的JavaScript代码。它们有助于简化调试,因为你可以捕获任何奇怪的编译器行为。 调试工具还可以使用这些文件来允许你编辑底层的 TypeScript 而不是发出的 JavaScript 文件。
forceConsistentCasingInFileNames设置文件名是否为大小写敏感,默认为true。 17. incremental incremental让 TypeScript 项目构建时产生文件tsbuildinfo,从而完成增量构建。 18. inlineSourceMap inlineSourceMap设置将 SourceMap 文件写入编译后的 JS 文件中,否则会单独生成一个.js.map文件。
Map.groupByis similar, but produces aMapinstead of a plain object. This might be more desirable if you need the guarantees ofMaps, you’re dealing with APIs that expectMaps, or you need to use any kind of key for grouping – not just keys that can be used as property names in JavaScri...
It will prompt you to select the desired language, then you can find the generated challenges in the./playgroundfolder. Later if you want to update playground while keeping your changes: OR pnpm generate -K This project was born from solving real-world types problem with@hardfistand@MeCKodo....
Exception: new Map<string, number>() is OK. Using the types Function and Object is almost never a good idea. In 99% of cases it's possible to specify a more specific type. Examples are (x: number) => number for functions and { x: number, y: number } for objects. If there is...