The curve can indicate for investors whether a security is temporarily overpriced or underpriced. If a security’srate of returnlies above the yield curve, this indicates that the security is underpriced; if the rate of return lies below the yield curve, then it means that the security is over...
Many of the real-world data sets can be portrayed as bipartite networks. Since connections between nodes of the same type are lacking, they need to be inferred. The standard way to do this is by converting the bipartite networks to their monopartite proj
Identifying pathogenic variants from the vast majority of nucleotide variation remains a challenge. We present a method named Multimodal Annotation Generated Pathogenic Impact Evaluator (MAGPIE) that predicts the pathogenicity of multi-type variants. MAG
All CRM platforms have different learning curves and are suitable for teams with varying technical skills. While some platforms may require hand-coded processes, others can be operated without touching a single line of code. The ease of use also encompasses speed, stability, user-friendliness, and...
Estimating the cracking capacity of the face slab and recommending effective crack-control measures are important for the anti-seismic safety of concrete-faced rockfill dams (CFRDs). In this paper, two-dimensional analyses of CFRDs are performed to simulate the seismic cracking behavior of convention...
Element Markers as Shapes Element Markers can appear in a number of different shapes specified by the ElementMarkerType enumeration. ElementMarkerType l Square l Triangle l Circle l Diamond l FourPointStar l FivePointStar l SizPointStar l SevenPointStar l Split (Finance Related) l Reverse...
Kurtosis is a statistical measure used to describe a characteristic of a dataset. When normally distributed data is plotted on a graph, it generally takes the form of a bell. This is called the bell curve. The plotted data that are farthest from themeanof the data usually form the tails o...
In finance and investing, excess kurtosis is interpreted as a type of risk known as tail risk, or the chance of a loss occurring due to a rare event, as predicted by a probability distribution. If such events are more common than predicted by a distribution, the tails are said to be ...
Probability distributions areused in financein two main ways: To estimate the returns of an investment asset To determine the possibility of loss events which will allow the investor to hedge their risk What Are the Most Commonly Used Probability Distributions?
Yield spreads are commonly quoted in terms of one yield versus that of U.S. Treasuries, where it is called thecredit spread. For example, if the five-yearTreasury bondis at 5% and the 30-year Treasury bond is at 6%, the yield spread between the two debt instruments is 1%. If the 30...