Terrace fashion is about two key things: who’s go the best clobber, and keeping the elements at bay while watching the match. This set of requirements has seen high-quality, high-end hooded jackets become the defining garment of the scene. Brands like Stone Island and CP Company have beco...
A variety of insects have stingers, such as bees, hornets, wasps, yellow jackets and scorpions. When these pests take up residence in your home, they can become dangerous to your family and your pets. Not only do these insects cause painful stings, but they can elicit extreme allergic ...
The yellow jacket and hornet, both of which live in groups, or colonies, in temperate climates. Yellow jackets, which have black and yellow stripes on the abdomen, form underground nests. Hornets are predominantly black with some yellow markings on the head and thorax. Hornets form paper-like ...
Insect allergy. Allergy caused by insect bites that belongs to the Hymenoptera order of insects. Bites from insect that cause allergic reaction are from Bees Hornet Ants Wasps Yellow jackets Latex allergy. Allergy caused by contact to latex materials. Common latex materials that cause allergic reacti...
Honey bees are not the same as bumble bees, wasps or yellow jackets. The scientific name for the honey bee that we have in America is Apis mellifera. Apis mellifera is actually one of eight species of honey bees. Apis mellifera actually means "honey carrying bee." This is slightly incorrec...
When allergens are swallowed or injected, they may travel to other parts of the body and provoke symptoms that are remote from their point of entry. For example, allergens in foods may prompt the release of mediators in the skin and causehives. ...
If you don’t like bees or you’re even a bit scared of them, that’s understandable – after all, they sting!But you’re probably most concerned about wasps like Yellow Jackets.If you’d like to know more about these bee-like creatures, there’s some information at the end of this...
Insect enthusiasts and professionals always have a good story or two to tell about the favorite types of insects. Take the case of Pollen Wasps. They are related to the better known vespid wasps such as hornets and yellow jackets. About one dozen species live in the West. They are vegetaria...
About 2 million Americans have allergies to the venom of stinging bugs. If you’re allergic to bee stings, you may also be allergic to yellow jackets, wasps, and hornets. Many of these people are at risk for life-threatening allergic reactions. ...
Pentobarbital is a hypnotic medication used to treat seizures. It’s a short-acting drug, starting to have an effect in 10 to 15 minutes, but only lasting three to four hours. On the street these pills are called nembies, yellow jackets, abbots, and Mexican yellows. ...