Not openly did they carry on their machinations, but like loathsome worms eating at the heart of an outwardly fair fruit. But the scientists, almost to a man, were loyal. Trained to think, they thought clearly and logically, and surrounded themselves with soldiers and guards of the same ...
Phylum Nematoda (25,000 species) contains the roundworms, which are found in soils and waters around the globe. Some nematodes are also parasitic and can infect human hosts — for example, hookworms, pinworms, and the worm that causes trichinosis, which is spread by eating undercooked pork. ...
Cysticercosis is often seen in developing countries where water is contaminated with pork tapeworms and the person swallows the ova from the tapeworm. The infection can invade the brain (neurocysticercosis) causing seizures. Cyclospora is a one-celled parasite that infects the small intestine causing...
Cysticercosis is often seen in developing countries where water is contaminated with pork tapeworms and the person swallows the ova from the tapeworm. The infection can invade the brain (neurocysticercosis) causing seizures. Cyclospora is a one-celled parasite that infects the small intestine causing...
Worms exploit vulnerabilities in computer systems and use network connections to replicate and infect other machines. Worms can consume network bandwidth, slow down systems, and cause disruptions. Trojans trick users into installing them by appearing as harmless applications or files. Once installed, Tro...
There are many different types of cystitis which can leave patients and their family members confused. From bacteria to parasitic flatworms, chemical exposure to radiation, the bladder can be irritated and/or harmed in many different ways.
They multiply so fast that they need more food all the time. This is why people who are infected often have cravings for the wrong types of food, to feed the parasites, and often feel hungry. Worms can become so big that they perforate the intestines (as in the case of leaky gut), ...