Types of crime Petty crime 轻微犯罪 Pickpocketing 扒窃 shoplifting 商店行窃 Serious crime 严重犯罪 violent crime 暴力罪行 assault 攻击,袭击,进攻 mugging 路劫 robbery 持械抢劫 white-collar crime 利用职务便利的犯罪,白领犯罪 fraud 舞弊,欺诈,骗子,伪劣品,冒牌 货 organized crime 有组织犯罪,犯罪集团 mafia...
Theory and research on crime in the public sector are concerned with financial crime in general and white-collar crime in particular. In this chapter, convenience theory is an umbrella theory for a number of well-known perspectives on white-collar crime. Convenience theory consists of three ...
Eventually, owing to the judiciary’s resistance, efforts to codify the criminal law were abandoned, and instead there was a consolidation of most of the criminal law in 1861 into a number of statutes—the Larceny Act, the Malicious Damage Act, and the Offences Against the Person Act being ...