Most mosques have small separate areas for women, screened and partitioned off from the main prayer hall. Each mosque has a mihrab, which is a niche that indicates the direction of the holy city of Mecca. Below you can also see a kürsü, which is a special chair for the imam. A ...
The symptoms of primary and metastatic brain cancers are similar in men, women, and children. The following symptoms and warning signs are the most common: Headache, especially in the early mornings, which may become persistent or severe Muscle weakness, which is often more evident on one side...
Ultrasoundof the brain: Ultrasound uses harmless sound waves to detect certain types of structural and anatomic abnormalities. For instance, it can show hemorrhage(bleeding) in the brain or damage caused by lack of oxygen to the brain. Ultrasound is often used on newborns who cannot tolerate more...
according to the lupus foundation of american. women of childbearing age are the group at most risk of having this chronic disease; however, lupus can also affect men, adolescents and children. young women of color are at particularly high risk for developing the condition. rheumatoid arthritis ...
Braces, walkers, or wheelchairs help provide mobility and independence to people with muscular dystrophy. Standing with a walker, even for just a little bit each day, boosts blood flow and helps build better bones. Speech therapy Muscle weakness in the face and throat can make speaking difficult...
Homes can be made less fall-prone by installing assist devices on walls and in bathrooms. Loose floor coverings such as area rugs should be avoided sincewalkingfrom one floor covering to another increases the risk of falls. If needed, canes and walkers may be helpful as walking assistive ...
For regular and intensive walkers there are available services offered by such associations as theRamblers’ Association in Great Britain and theWilderness Societyin theUnited States. Those organizations encourage hiking and preserve footpaths, bridle paths, and rights of way in parkland and recognized ...
The social and physical environment can influence whether a person takes up walking [14]. People are more likely to walk in the company of another person or a pet [15]; this is particularly relevant for women [16]. Individuals are more likely to walk in physical environments that are aesth...
National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases. (2016, July). What Is a Hip Replacement? Fast Facts: An Easy-to-Read Series of Publications for the Public. Retrieved from ...